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CKA Moderator
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CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:37 am

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:

Absolutely they are.

The first charges have been laid and while the bullshit says the investigation was built on other information you can read the story and ferret out the fact that the police had to use photography and video coupled with recognition tools to ID masked terrorists. ... 571115042/

Clearview AI facial recognition offers to delete some faces — but not in Canada

Apparently we don't have sufficient Privacy laws to cover the removal of data they slurped off social media. The same Privacy laws that Social Media lobbies to not change.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 23082
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:57 am

Public_Domain Public_Domain:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Superstore employees are unionized. UFCW.

a quick google tells me that that doesn't seem to have helped the poor bastards wages much

anyway, good job rick, this is the line, tattered flags. you should probably start here for more of your questions...

Nah, that's not a line I would cross either.

I would just choose not to patronize Superstore in my silent protest and go to Costco, which pays its staff better, has better customer service, and better quality products generally.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:17 am

rickc rickc:
I asked boots because he is a veteran. He has had to endure long periods of separation from his family like all veterans do. He did not give a black and white definitive answer like the others. He made a qualifYing statement by adding the "visible minority" statement.

First off, I'm not a veteran - unless you count a cup of coffee in the Army Reserves as a veteran. Personally, I don't consider myself a veteran. I'm just an air force brat who is pretty patriotic and loved military history from a young age and then studied it in university. Unfortunately, a bachelor's degree in history and $2 will buy you a cup of coffee these days. :wink:

Second, I only added that qualifier because I felt white people wouldn't protest their own privilege.

While some people may dispute whether or not this exists, I do, having seen the difference in the way I'm treated in the US and the way visible minorities often are when we're all shopping at the same store. Most of my employers up here have been pretty enlightened, so I doubt it has helped me in my career, but I have friends who are visible minorities and they've told me many times the type of treatment they get here, and it appalls me.

If an Oiler player took a knee to protest racsim the way Kapernick did, I sure as hell would expect that other players on the team would join him. But odds are not many white players will start such a protest because they have little or no lived experience being on the short end of racism.

rickc rickc:
I would think that someone involved in a scientific field (such as yourself) would appreciate the difference. You spend countless hours on here arguing with climate change deniers when they try to tweak something by adding a simple qualifying statement. I could state blah blah blah about climate, and make it true by putting the statement in a narrowly defined timetable. You deal with it all the time. I never get involved in those discussions. I live in the Mojave desert. I believe in climate change. I see it every day.

I went to Death Valley years ago and it blew me away. Definitely a bucket list type of place for me.

rickc rickc:
Lately I am catching heat that I am trying to piss people off. That heat is pissing me off. A few years ago this site was the absolute best site to debate on the net, by far. We had historians, professors, policemen, scientists, soldiers, sailors, name it. We had it. A lot of those people are gone. I did not realize how many of the awesome people that made this place what it once was were gone until Khar showed up the other day. There was a guy who was the exact opposite of everything that I am. Yet, we got along like gentlemen! No one put more time or research into a post than Khar. He offered opinions, and he provided facts to back them up. He is in the top one percent of all posters on the planet. He was on THIS site. THIS site was much better for it. Back then, everyone could give and take. We all had thick skin. There was no one on here back then that I would not personally buy a beer for if we all got together. What do have have now? A bunch of candy asses looking for a safe space to spew out their bullshit, and never be challenged. That about sums up this place anymore. People that their entire existence on this planet is bitching about Trump. If you call them on it, they put you on ignore. People that cannot handle an American asking them a serious question about anything without calling them a fascist/racist and running away for their safe space. Not everybody mind you. Some can take it as well as dish it. Beave and Boots have always carried their own whether we agree or not. There is you and others, and you know who you are. Lately this site is turning into a safe space for people who can dish it out, but cannot take it. But hey thats the way the world is going, so why shouldn't this site reflect that?

Agreed, the golden age of CKA was a blast, but we don't have to accept that we cannot have another one. We just need to make this community inviting and as the saying goes, "If you build it, he will come."

rickc rickc:
I am going to go out on a limb and state that there are MANY Canadians who would have a problem with some high paid millionaire playing a game taking a knee at the playing of O Canada. I am sure that there are several on this forum. Many who served in the military, many who had family members die in combat. They might not want to voice an opinion in this thread now that it is heating up to this point. Its becoming international. Maybe some overpaid spoiled asshole putting a puck in a goal disrespecting their flag really pisses them off, but because an American is bringing it up they feel like they have to toe the company line and stay silent.

You're probably right, and it would almsot certainly be a pretty common attitude here in Alberta, but I think DrC is correct that many Canadians probably wouldn't be that upset, especially in the larger cities (those over a million). It's more likely that those living in rural, conservative areas would get pissed off.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:34 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:


When I went out last weekend, I saw the EPS armoured vehicle broken down on the Henday - at first I thought it was a LAV III from the base, but when I passed it, it clearly had Edmonton Police Service on it. The ram mounted on the turret sure looked like an autocannon from a distance though.

I can't understand why Canadian police forces feel the need for these vehicles - I'd be curious to learn how often it is used, but my bet owuld be only a couple times per year, if that.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:47 am

bootlegga bootlegga:
I can't understand why Canadian police forces feel the need for these vehicles - I'd be curious to learn how often it is used, but my bet owuld be only a couple times per year, if that.

I bet not even that often. To me, their only use would be to force entry on a fortified structure, like a biker clubhouse. And how many of those do we even have?

Too high a price for such a niche vehicle (that doesn't seem very sturdy ;) ). Money that could have been spent elsewhere and reduced the overall crime rate.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:52 am

Intimidation. Even if it's not used to break down the wall of a fortified drug- ouse it would sure work in scaring the shit out of anyone else, like a wifebeater/pedo/maniac neighbour, holed up in their house who had a call made on them. Pure psychology really, just to terrify some skell who thinks he's all that and oh-so-tough. You're that tough, eh? Well, come out and pick a fight with these guys the same way you did with the girlfriend you just beat the shit out of, asshole. :twisted:

It's not that them having a vehicle like that is inherently wrong. It's what they use it, and the SWAT/ERT teams, for. They obviously abused having equipment and teams like that in the US, using them to deliver warrants and bother low-grade drug users. It might not have been used the same reckless way in Canada but thanks to the on-going controversy it can't be simply accepted that someday a rogue unit or badly managed force in this country won't set off a shitstorm themselves.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:51 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:

Smart move.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:57 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:

Apparently we don't have sufficient Privacy laws to cover the removal of data they slurped off social media. The same Privacy laws that Social Media lobbies to not change.

The internet is weird. Imagine Bell Telephone company 140 years ago saying "here's your telephone, by the way we get to listen in on all your phone calls."

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:00 am

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:

Apparently we don't have sufficient Privacy laws to cover the removal of data they slurped off social media. The same Privacy laws that Social Media lobbies to not change.

The internet is weird. Imagine Bell Telephone company 140 years ago saying "here's your telephone, by the way we get to listen in on all your phone calls."

Actually, they could. But we had neighbours who did that.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:03 am

raydan raydan:
Zipperfish Zipperfish:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:

Apparently we don't have sufficient Privacy laws to cover the removal of data they slurped off social media. The same Privacy laws that Social Media lobbies to not change.

The internet is weird. Imagine Bell Telephone company 140 years ago saying "here's your telephone, by the way we get to listen in on all your phone calls."

Actually, they could. But we had neighbours who did that.

^^ I grew up in an area that had 'party lines'. ie: You shared phone lines with a bunch of people, but it rang different for each number. Two short rings was us, but we could pick up the phone and listen to any other conversation on the line. The cradle had a special pin that you had to pull up in order to talk.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:05 am

That said, no one came into our house and copied all the photo albums we had in order to match our faces to public records.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:08 am

That involved one hell of a proceedure in the old landline days.
I remember climbing poles and rearranging a party line just so they could isolate the one line they had to tap. And involved warrants and cooperation all the way down the line.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:17 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:

Well that should help de-escalate the current tensions but only slightly. Although, the bigger question is, why the fuck does any police dept especially a Canadian one need an armoured vehicle. Body armour and effective weapons yes especially given the fact that the criminals for some strange reason seem to have all kinds of access to high powered military assault weapons and have been known to use body armour in shootout.

Although this incident seems to have been the catalyst for the militarisation of police departments across North America I can understand why that became the mindset. But, I can't help but get the feeling that most of these police departments and city councils have gone overboard with the use of military grade vehicles and specialized military equipment. All those types of equipment gives the impression that they're an occupying force pushing the gov'ts agenda rather than a police force who's job is protecting the public through proper policing.

When technology allowed them to start cutting back on the numbers of officers they started taking cops off the beat and putting one cop per car which meant they immediately lost the ability to interact with the communities they were supposed to be protecting and we're seeing the results. A lack of compassion and a lack of empathy for the people they're supposed to be working for and it isn't just the white officers who display this flaw.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:28 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:

For Rickc.jpg


Sorry, couldn't resist. :mrgreen:

Wish I hadn't gone so full-blown anti-Twitter in the last few days and deleted all my screenshots from there. I should have kept and reposted that tweet from @dril that basically went "waitress in her 20's has heartwarming reunion with the IQ 78 cop who used her as a human shield when she was eleven". Kind of fits in well with current zeitgeist. 8)

Last edited by Thanos on Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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