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CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:28 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Yeah, cry me a river and be sure to send me a memo when Canada gives Quebeck back to France.

In the meantime Israel's first priority is the existence of Israel. At which point the Palestinians cease insisting on the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews I'll be happy to entertain their thoughts on peace.

Until such time I wish the Israelis happy hunting.

That's just part of the aforementioned fantasy, black and white world you live in without much in the truth dept to that and the same excuse Israel uses to keep on gobbling up more land, demolishing houses and driving out Palestinians until there is no more land left to gobble.

You can blame Hamas for this current round of hostilities and they are not blameless either. But the murder of Palestinians has been going on long before Hamas even existed, So these excuses are nothing but a blatant lie.

As zipper mentioned some posts back, you can't make out intentions but can only judge by ones action, constantly stealing land and moving in settlers, roadblocking and sabotaging any attempt at peace talks in the past years. Doesn't take a scientist to see, Israel doesn't want peace.

And the huge civilian death toll in Gaza, destruction of civilian infrastructure, bombing Israeli declared safe zones clearly speaks this has nothing to do with self defense or hamas but rather collective punishment and vengeance.

As for war crimes

Use of flechette shells and white phosphorus.....again. Might as well go all Chemical Ali and drop mustard gas. ... ls-in-gaza

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:33 pm

desertdude desertdude:

Doesn't take a scientist to see, Israel doesn't want peace.

Neither does Hamas. Those in power on both sides have good reasons to see this low-level conflict continue.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:50 am

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
desertdude desertdude:

Doesn't take a scientist to see, Israel doesn't want peace.

Neither does Hamas. Those in power on both sides have good reasons to see this low-level conflict continue.

And we feel the repercussions world wide. ... er-sermon/

BERLIN — The foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy on Tuesday condemned the rise in anti-Semitic protests and violence over the conflict in Gaza, saying they will do everything possible to combat it in their countries.

“Anti-Semitic rhetoric and hostility against Jews, attacks on people of Jewish belief and synagogues have no place in our societies,” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, France’s Laurent Fabius and Italy’s Federica Mogherini said in a joint statement issued in Brussels.

The three said that while they respect demonstrators’ freedom of speech and right to assemble, they will also do everything possible to fight “acts and statements that cross the line to anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia.”

Since the outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas, participants at anti-Israel demonstrations across Germany have frequently used anti-Semitic slogans and also called for Jews to be gassed.

In France, pro-Palestinian youths have clashed repeatedly with police, and on Sunday set fire to cars, pillaged stores and attacked two synagogues in the Paris suburbs, while Italy has also seen pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

Jewish groups have expressed shock and disgust about the growing anti-Semitism in Germany and other European countries with strong Muslim communities.

“We have reached a new level of hatred and violence in all of Europe that cannot even be compared to the anti-Semitism seen during previous conflicts in Israel,” said Stephan Kramer, the director of the European office on anti-Semitism of the American Jewish Committee in Brussels. “It needs to be made very clear that violence is not an appropriate means of protesting.”

Police spokeswoman Cosima Pauluhn also said that they were investigating a sermon last week by imam Abu Bilal Ismail calling on worshippers at Berlin’s Al-Nur mosque to murder Jews. The American Jewish Committee has filed a complaint with Berlin prosecutors seeking charges

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:04 pm

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:30 pm

Goober911 Goober911:
Zipperfish Zipperfish:
desertdude desertdude:

Doesn't take a scientist to see, Israel doesn't want peace.

Neither does Hamas. Those in power on both sides have good reasons to see this low-level conflict continue.

And we feel the repercussions world wide. ... er-sermon/

BERLIN — The foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy on Tuesday condemned the rise in anti-Semitic protests and violence over the conflict in Gaza, saying they will do everything possible to combat it in their countries.

“Anti-Semitic rhetoric and hostility against Jews, attacks on people of Jewish belief and synagogues have no place in our societies,” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, France’s Laurent Fabius and Italy’s Federica Mogherini said in a joint statement issued in Brussels.

The three said that while they respect demonstrators’ freedom of speech and right to assemble, they will also do everything possible to fight “acts and statements that cross the line to anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia.”

Since the outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas, participants at anti-Israel demonstrations across Germany have frequently used anti-Semitic slogans and also called for Jews to be gassed.

In France, pro-Palestinian youths have clashed repeatedly with police, and on Sunday set fire to cars, pillaged stores and attacked two synagogues in the Paris suburbs, while Italy has also seen pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

Jewish groups have expressed shock and disgust about the growing anti-Semitism in Germany and other European countries with strong Muslim communities.

“We have reached a new level of hatred and violence in all of Europe that cannot even be compared to the anti-Semitism seen during previous conflicts in Israel,” said Stephan Kramer, the director of the European office on anti-Semitism of the American Jewish Committee in Brussels. “It needs to be made very clear that violence is not an appropriate means of protesting.”

Police spokeswoman Cosima Pauluhn also said that they were investigating a sermon last week by imam Abu Bilal Ismail calling on worshippers at Berlin’s Al-Nur mosque to murder Jews. The American Jewish Committee has filed a complaint with Berlin prosecutors seeking charges

That is very sad indeed and extremely condemnable. Ive seen it myself, day in day out on non mainstream and social media people are bombarded with stories and images of what's going on in Gaza and get extremely emotional and get carried away. I've had to talk some sense into a few people myself that reflecting the same bigotry the Muslims have been tarred in recent years, from the like of Condell as featured above who have made career of his bigotry after failing as a comedian, on the general Jewish population is despicable, majority of them get it and stop right away.

Forum Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:40 pm

desertdude desertdude:
That is very sad indeed and extremely condemnable. Ive seen it myself, day in day out on non mainstream and social media people are bombarded with stories and images of what's going on in Gaza and get extremely emotional and get carried away. I've had to talk some sense into a few people myself that reflecting the same bigotry the Muslims have been tarred in recent years, from the like of Condell as featured above who have made career of his bigotry after failing as a comedian, on the general Jewish population is despicable, majority of them get it and stop right away.

I have worked with a number of those of the Muslim faith over the years.
I have a young fellow now who had some misrepresentations of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He had issues with both sides in the conflict.
Very even minded person. So when time is quiet at work we do the research and we both learn from there.
I am improving on the quote functions. Praise the Lord.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:41 pm

desertdude desertdude:
That's just part of the aforementioned fantasy, black and white world you live in without much in the truth dept

As I have said before, seeing the world in black and white, positive and negative, life and death, enemy and not-enemy was my avocation.

With the issue at hand the fact remains that Hamas can end this anytime they want.

As far as Israel 'gobbling' up land goes, they're not taking anything from Gaza, are they? But in my opinion the presence of a hostile foe on their immediate border would justify seizing territory to insure the safety of Israel.

If your Iranian friends ever start shooting missiles at Dubai from their bases around Bandar Abbas I imagine you might want someone like the United States to go blow the beejeezus out of those facilities so you could go back to sipping coffee and smoking Dunhill's at Eauzone. Or would you prefer we stay out of it and let the Iranians press their territorial claims on your country?

Likewise, if the Mexicans started shooting rockets into the USA from Tijuana then what we'd do in return would make the Israelis look downright hospitable.

I know you are not fond of Israel but the question here is that if you were in their place would you really do anything less than they have? More likely you'd make them look restrained, wouldn't you?

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:21 pm

Goober911 Goober911:
And we feel the repercussions world wide.

Sorry, but the increase in violence in Western countries is a direct result of the
policies allowing millions of Muslims to pour into Europe and become sizeable minorities.

They now have strength in numbers, and are becoming more happy to tell us what
they really think.

It is the West's own fault for allowing it.
Jews in Europe should be concerned.

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:32 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
desertdude desertdude:
That's just part of the aforementioned fantasy, black and white world you live in without much in the truth dept

As I have said before, seeing the world in black and white, positive and negative, life and death, enemy and not-enemy was my avocation.

With the issue at hand the fact remains that Hamas can end this anytime they want.

As far as Israel 'gobbling' up land goes, they're not taking anything from Gaza, are they? But in my opinion the presence of a hostile foe on their immediate border would justify seizing territory to insure the safety of Israel.

If your Iranian friends ever start shooting missiles at Dubai from their bases around Bandar Abbas I imagine you might want someone like the United States to go blow the beejeezus out of those facilities so you could go back to sipping coffee and smoking Dunhill's at Eauzone. Or would you prefer we stay out of it and let the Iranians press their territorial claims on your country?

Likewise, if the Mexicans started shooting rockets into the USA from Tijuana then what we'd do in return would make the Israelis look downright hospitable.

I know you are not fond of Israel but the question here is that if you were in their place would you really do anything less than they have? More likely you'd make them look restrained, wouldn't you?

No Bart I would not act like the murderous bully Israel is acting like. And let me tell you how. Right now as we speak there is a major military operation ( Operation Zarb-e-Azb in case anybody wants to look it up )going on against the Taliban and its allies in North Waziristan in Pakistan ( my country in case you forgot )

The Taliban are enemy No 1 in the country right now, they have killed thousands of innocent civilians across the country, attacked military bases and major civilian airports and pose a much bigger threat to Pakistan (and you guys too if you look at it) than Hamas does to Israel, they have killed more, in fact thousands more than Hamas has killed Israelis.

If I was to adopt yours and Israel rationale and say bomb the crap out of N.Waziristan if civilians, women and children die then its their fault. They let them live among them, let them set up their terror networks ( You'd be surprised at how well they were set up if you ever saw the reports and footage coming out of that area from towns that have been cleared, suicide training centers, huge IED factories, detention centers, compounds akin to forward bases so on and so forth) enablers if you wish ( = Hamas was voted in by the gazzans ), Hamas has nothing on these boys but yet I do not wish for a single civilian to be harmed.

There is a media blackout in areas of active operations, although the official claims have been there hasn't been any "collateral damage" but I have grave concerns that this might not be true. Just like when I oppose drone strikes in maybe trying to get one bad guy they blow up 10 civilians. And if found out that civilians have been killed by our Army who I stand behind now. I will be the first one to condemn them too.

In fact the entire country is donating myself included to the almost one million refugees who have poured out of the region and now have no where to go and are trapped in this summer heat in a barren rocky land. They might be pushtoons ( Again in terms of the conflict being discussed here, what you allege to be Hamas enablers hence deserve to die ), hell I'm sure some ( hopefully not a lot ) Taliban are also among them masquerading as civilians but that does not stop me or millions of others who have set up refugee camps and sending money and relief aid to them.

So to once again answer your question no Bart I would never and don't act like Israel is acting right now. Hope that answers the question.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:43 pm

desertdude desertdude:
So to once again answer your question no Bart I would never and don't act like Israel is acting right now. Hope that answers the question.

Yet you support your country annihilating the Taliban for security reasons. Why should Israel tolerate a threat anymore than Pakistan does?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:45 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
desertdude desertdude:
That's just part of the aforementioned fantasy, black and white world you live in without much in the truth dept

As I have said before, seeing the world in black and white, positive and negative, life and death, enemy and not-enemy was my avocation.

With the issue at hand the fact remains that Hamas can end this anytime they want.

As far as Israel 'gobbling' up land goes, they're not taking anything from Gaza, are they? But in my opinion the presence of a hostile foe on their immediate border would justify seizing territory to insure the safety of Israel.

If your Iranian friends ever start shooting missiles at Dubai from their bases around Bandar Abbas I imagine you might want someone like the United States to go blow the beejeezus out of those facilities so you could go back to sipping coffee and smoking Dunhill's at Eauzone. Or would you prefer we stay out of it and let the Iranians press their territorial claims on your country?

Likewise, if the Mexicans started shooting rockets into the USA from Tijuana then what we'd do in return would make the Israelis look downright hospitable.

I know you are not fond of Israel but the question here is that if you were in their place would you really do anything less than they have? More likely you'd make them look restrained, wouldn't you?

No they are slicing up the West Bank, bit by bit, same with Jerusalem.
Israel has their hands in this deep and dirty, why they are not willing to negotiate in a fair manner, for lack of a better term with the PLO.

Slicing up lands and building settlements on land that was previously agreed to as Palestinian, what does that tell you.
Then we have this nice piece of PR work. ... itt-romney

And then we have this boner. ... .html?_r=0

I suggest you look beyond the B&W world, as it is unrealistic and a fantasy.

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:49 pm

martin14 martin14:
It is the West's own fault for allowing it.

Sure is, if they would have just let the Jews stay in Europe where they actual are from, none of this would be happening ;)

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:52 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
desertdude desertdude:
So to once again answer your question no Bart I would never and don't act like Israel is acting right now. Hope that answers the question.

Yet you support your country annihilating the Taliban for security reasons. Why should Israel tolerate a threat anymore than Pakistan does?

Maybe you just read the parts you wanted to from my reply, let me repeat I have no qualms about annihilating the Taliban but I have HUGE qualms that in the process of doing so they kill civilians.

Just like I have no qualms about Israel annihilating Hamas but I have HUGE qualms that in the process they kill civilians, which they have done and a great number at that.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:55 pm

desertdude desertdude:
martin14 martin14:
It is the West's own fault for allowing it.

Sure is, if they would have just let the Jews stay in Europe where they actual are from, none of this would be happening ;)

The Jewish people were living in that region for more than a thousand years BEFORE Islam even became a religion.

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:01 pm

2Cdo 2Cdo:
desertdude desertdude:
martin14 martin14:
It is the West's own fault for allowing it.

Sure is, if they would have just let the Jews stay in Europe where they actual are from, none of this would be happening ;)

The Jewish people were living in that region for more than a thousand years BEFORE Islam even became a religion.

But that's like if I asked France to give me land since my ancestors lived there.

Maybe it would have been better if they had gotten land somewhere else, not surrounded by Arabs. The state of Nevada would have been nice. :lol:

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