Proculation Proculation:
Hey people, you all seem to forget something: it was a demonstration ! Sure it was a little bit "hardcore" to bring an assault rifle but in the end it was a political act. He demonstrated that he has the freedom to carry his weapons and want to keep his freedoms. Not all people don,t there want everything controlled by the government.
Yeah, ok.... so he demonstrated his right..... to what end?
Why did they feel compelled to bring their guns to a political rally?
To my knowledge, Obama has been going around to talk about the Health Care Reform..... the only relation to that with firearms is if someone gets shot at one of his speeches..... he was demonstrating his so-called "Right" for no other reason except to stir shit up.
And now more and more people are going to try and do the same thing, and it's all eventually going to lead to one thing.
Just wait and see.... I have yet to be wrong with these sort of predictions.
That's right.... I'm gifted