N_Fiddledog N_Fiddledog:
Thanos Thanos:
All the military activity that occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan didn't do anything to prevent this thing from happening tonight, and French participation was minimal at best. When do you stop doubling down on a terrible mistake when every incident that occurs shows you've made the situation a hundred times worst than it was when you first got involved?
What mistake? We're at war with Islamo-fascism.
We won the battle of Iraq. Obama lost the peace. It happens in a war. You lose some battles. It happens when you have idiots in charge.
Now, and sooner or later, we're going to have to turn Raqqa to glass. I'm starting to prefer sooner.
Bullshit. They "won" something that was slipping through their fingers easier than grains of sand, and then they proclaimed a phoney 'national' government with Maliki that was as much of a joke as the one they left in Saigon in 1973. The Bush Admin was thoroughly warned beforehand that they would easily destroy Saddam's regular forces but that they'd probably need to occupy the place permanently to even ensure that a grouchy and unstable "peace" could ever be maintained.
That was the only way that Iraq could have been held, with an endless commitment by the United States that would have consumed endless resources and far too many lives that would have had last for decades. You say right now to the American people that this was their perpetual obligation, to spend endless trillions of dollars more as the infrastructure and education systems of their own nation are falling apart, and thousands more lives for that quicksand shithole. No more equivocating or turning it into an opportunity to play your usual political games of right vs. left. You say it openly right now that it was the permanent responsibility of the United States to forever garrison Iraq.
Ever single bit of tragedy that followed, including todays events in Paris, and all that will follow afterwards, was born as a result of the irresponsible decision to topple Saddam Hussein. There is no objective denial anymore of this one singular fact.