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CKA Uber
Posts: 33492
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:47 pm
PluggyRug PluggyRug: andyt andyt: So at what point will Israel stop taking land and leave the rest for the Palestinians? will this rest be any kind of viable country? If not, is that not the same as exterminating Palestinians? Pushing them in Jordan is different than pushing the the Israelis into the Mediterranean how? When the Palestinians get rid of the terrorist organisation Hamas and elect a democratic peaceful government. Never going to happen tho'. Israel was taking land long before Hamas was elected. I'm not sure I believe you.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:17 pm
andyt andyt: So at what point will Israel stop taking land and leave the rest for the Palestinians? will this rest be any kind of viable country? If not, is that not the same as exterminating Palestinians? Pushing them in Jordan is different than pushing the the Israelis into the Mediterranean how? The taking of land by the Jews doesn't matter because, the Palestinians consider all of Israel part of Palestine so, if one square inch of what they consider Palestine is owned by an Israeli there'll be trouble. There will be no reconciliation to this issue despite all the rhetoric because both sides claim Israel, Palestine or whatever you choose to call it as their ancestral homeland and are willing to fight to the death for it which is something we've seem pretty much daily since 1948.
CKA Uber
Posts: 33492
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:21 pm
Stop the rockets, stop the settlements http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.604465First, read the part about stopping the rockets - the writer is supportive of any military means it takes to do so. then: $1: Second, settlements. Israel’s settlement policy is an utter disaster. It has no supporters of consequence anywhere in the world. It has caused tension with the American government and infuriated Israel’s European allies. It has played into the hands of Israel’s most dangerous enemies, Hamas included, by allowing them to divert attention from their own radical intentions to settler extremism and Israeli occupation. And it has angered those moderate elements of the Palestinian Authority with which political arrangements leading to peace might still be possible.
Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, speaking with admirable candor at the Herzliya Conference in June, said it clearly: “I’m sick of being politically correct,” she declared. “It’s time to say things exactly as they are: The settlement enterprise is a security, economic and moral burden that is aimed at preventing us from ever coming to an arrangement.” In other words, and this from one of Israel’s lead negotiators with the Palestinians, the settlers—who play a major role in the current Israeli government—pursue their policies with the specific intent of preventing a peace agreement with the Palestinians.
Of course, we know this. Everyone knows this, American Jews included. We know that settlement is not a Zionist policy but an anti-Zionist policy, one that undermines the “normalization” that is at the heart of Zionist values.
Livni called for construction in the settlements to be frozen. Understandably reluctant to criticize Israel, American Jews are nonetheless firmly in Livni’s camp. They know that a freeze is right and also politically wise. The conflict with Hamas over Gaza could be long and ugly, and with a settlement freeze in place, it will be far easier to build the coalitions of support, in America and abroad, that Israel will require.
Stop the rockets, stop the settlements. Progressive Jews in America need an agenda, and this should be it.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:33 pm
If an op ed from Haaretz is cool. One from Michael Coren is fine too.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:51 pm
Warning: Although Progressives, Communists and Islamists approve of you reading the anti-Israel and at times pro-hamas, always far left Israeli paper Haaretz, they do not want you watching translations performed by the Israeli media organization Memri. View these at your own risk. Be warned Progressives, Communists and Islamists do not approve. You will be verbally attacked upon admission of viewing these translations.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:00 pm
Ben Shapiro - The Obama administration is a "borderline Jew hating administration
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:00 pm
Posts: 33691
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:00 pm
Affarat died a billionaire.
Aww, look at the Palis, they are soooo poor.
Wonder how that happens with all the Western money that gets pumped into Gaza and the West Bank all the time.
Where does the money go ?
Oh, right. 
Posts: 33691
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:07 pm
desertdude desertdude: Marty you moron, you expect Hamas to issue a statement every month. Israeli does not even recognize its fairly elected govt. This is a show of willingness how far they are ready to go, at least an intent is there, same can't be said for the Israelis when they have sabotaged and road blocked every round of talks for a lasting solution. Thanks for the concession speech on your own links. Hamas was not ready to recognize Israel in 2002. Nor in 2006. Hasn't changed since. As long as they run Gaza, anything any Arab says without Hamas is less than worthless. Arab Peace Plan was always nothing more than a joke.
Posts: 4765
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:12 am
Another one region "black hole" for money.
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2366
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:24 am
Oh look something written by an employee of an Israeli research firm is critical of the Palestinian government.
And just look at the timing. I'm sure it has no relation to the current military action in Gaza and Israel. Just an honest bit of journalism that happened to be published in the middle of round the clock air strikes on civilian targets in Gaza by the IDF.
Posts: 23082
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:16 am
martin14 martin14: desertdude desertdude: Also In Israels case 99% chance the missle wont hit anything and with puny warheads maybe damage a wall or car, but in Gaza's case you know its going to it and there is going to be a pretty big boom
Once again, whining about how bad Hamas is at their job. And you are, as usual, full of shit again. People die from those 'puny' rockets. Yep, you're right - so far the 'score' in this conflict is 200+ Palestinians to 1 Israeli. $1: An Israeli citizen was killed by mortar fire near the Erez border. The civilian was the first Israeli fatality since "Operation Protective Edge" began eight days ago. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/j ... ve-updatesI don't support Hamas, but anyone with a brain can see the one-sided nature of this conflict. This has escalated way beyond Israel's right to self-defence. Look at the four boys killed playing soccer in a supposed safe zone by shelling from Israeli ships - was that really necessary? Of course not.
Posts: 4235
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:00 am
martin14 martin14: Hamas was not ready to recognize Israel in 2002. Nor in 2006. Hasn't changed since.
As long as they run Gaza, anything any Arab says without Hamas is less than worthless.
Arab Peace Plan was always nothing more than a joke. Hamas didn't come in to power until 2006, plan has been around since 2002. 
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2366
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:45 am
A video interview. http://bcove.me/71itckb6Hey look someone asking hard questions of Israel, but you need to go outside of the US news media to get it.
Posts: 9914
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:08 am
Xort Xort: Oh look something written by an employee of an Israeli research firm is critical of the Palestinian government.
And just look at the timing. I'm sure it has no relation to the current military action in Gaza and Israel. Just an honest bit of journalism that happened to be published in the middle of round the clock air strikes on civilian targets in Gaza by the IDF. Hey. what are you doing? You're not supposed to look past the headlines and reason for yourself. You're on the Tea Parties hit list now mister.
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