Thanos Thanos:
The basic fact is that if Trump wants something then what he wants is bad for almost everyone else. With Kavanaugh, just like Gorsuch, it'll start with Roe v Wade and then work it's way through all the other "conservative" talking points, like approvals for rampant gerrymandering, immunity for criminal politicians, and a rapid increase in the erosion of protections for the individual in favour of corporate "rights".
Maybe Roe v Wade will be reversed. So what? That just sends this back to the states where they can decide if they want to fund abortion or not.
If the Democrats are serious about enshrining a 'right' to an abortion then they can propose a Constitutional Amendment and then get it ratified. But if they want to rule by court order and executive order then we can do the same fucking thing BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT WORKS.
Thanos Thanos:
But what the fuck do you care anyway. You're for all of this shit, the sort of stuff that would have sent your Founders into a rage at the very thought of what the right-wingers want.
What 'shit' are you talking about? Lower taxes, less government, more freedom, no one forcing me to buy health care for illegal aliens, no one forcing me to open up my country to invaders and colonists? Yeah, I'm all for those things!
Thanos Thanos:
You'll scream and yell and snowflake like a goddamn child whenever the government says boo to you but at the same time you'll bend over and happily spread your cheeks if an even worse intrusion or obliteration of rights happens to serve the interests of the financial sector and your plutocrat superiors. For all the game you right-wingers talk about freedom and liberty you're usually the first ones to volunteer to be slaves to whoever comes along with the most money.
Perhaps you don't know me but I'm the guy who's still irked that none of the Wall Street crowd ever paid a price for their fraudulent behavior in the mortgage crisis. I'm also the guy who started the US Police Misconduct topic where I'm not exactly the best friend of the people who want to violate everyone's rights.
I'm also adamantly against slavery which is why I oppose every leftist who thinks they can run my life better than I can.
And you know, for all your rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Donald Trump I've never seen you ever lay out a cogent presentation of your ideological differences with Trump.
I mean you make up lots of shit, blame Trump for things that haven't happened, blame him for things other people did, and then you outrage yourself over all of it as if it were true...but you've never simply written a coherent statement of the policies you don't like.
Not that I expect you to.