Thanos Thanos:
I doubt there's much prog-tarding involved with the endless series of free passes the Saudis keep getting from the US.
Stay focused. This one's about France and what should be done about the ISIS attack there.
If you don't get how the Regressives play into that maybe Beave will drop by and explain how you don't want to respond too harshly to Islamic terror because if you do the "disenfranchised" might get upset and go to Syria to sign up as a Muslim terrorist or some such thing.
In Europe even Conservatives can get pretty Proggy.
Here's Elizabeth May explaining how an attack sourced from the
"Islamic" State has nothing to do with Islam."
Here, here", say the Regressive ninnies of the British Parliament.
So we're back to if you can't name the problem how can you decide what to do about it. That's how we got here in the first place.
Then the EU wanted immigrants. They got immigrants with an Islamic pedigree. Know what the EU are? Progs. Without progs we'd still think Islam was harmless, because as long as it stays under 3% of a population all the Who's in Whoville can enjoy that illusion.
The Progressives of Europe had another idea though and here we are.
Nevertheless, Nigel's idea of no Saudi Wahhabi money or influence is a good one too. It slows the radicalization.