martin14 martin14:
Your guesses, especially while busy apologizing, are famously wrong.
Some days you seem more asshole than idiot. Others, more idiot than asshole. Here, you seem to be perfectly balanced sack of shit. What is it that you think I'm apologizing for?
Because here you say:
Oh right, blame it on the locals so your precious import program won't be challenged.
But just right above that you say:
martin14 martin14:
andyt andyt:
I do wonder why France is the chosen target here.
10% Muslim population
And how does your feeble mind calculate that my blaming it on the current immigrant population versus future immigrants somehow helps the refugee program? You should really pause to reflect on how much of an idiot you are - if you're capable of reflection at all.
[quote-"martin14"]You can't buy AK's and explosives at the local marche in France, they had to come from somewhere.[/quote] Hey moron, if terrorists can smuggle them into the country to attack people they can smuggle them in to people who are already in the country. And others can smuggle them in to sell on the black market moron.
Lastly, of the terrorists who have been identified, all are French and Belgian nationals so based on what we know so far, as usual you're wrong and I'm right. But you should be used to that by now. The only sad thing is that you're incapable of learning from your errors.
You should really make a personal effort to be less of an asshole and -if you can, - less of an idiot.