andyt andyt:
bootlegga bootlegga:
You might want to read what I wrote.
I said IF the West deployed sufficient forces to deal with ISIS.
For Gulf War 1, the USA deployed half a million men, hundreds of aircraft and three or four carrier battlegroups. Obama hasn't even deployed 1/10th of that to deal with ISIS.
Hell, Canada sent three warships, 18 fighter-bombers and another couple hundred to support them.
That's the kind of total war effort that is needed, not these sad sack half measures.
I did read what you wrote. Here are the salient parts:
bootlegga bootlegga:
One brigade of troops from any NATO country would annihilate the 20000 fighters ISIS has.
But it doesn't have to come to that.
Instead of a single CF-18 dropping a bomb or two on an artillery battery, we need to send a squadron of B-52s to flatten ISIS fighters any time they mass. By starting out with a huge coordinated strike, it would be easy to wipe out most of their combat power in one go.
After we really flattened them and their troops a couple times, they would likely disperse and then we'd have to send in special forces to deal with them in close. That would no doubt cause casualties, but I'll take JTF2 over punk ass jihadists any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Also then posted those pics as targets the West was supposed to go after, as if a convoy of ISIS fighters wouldn't be their no. 1 target, and wouldn't take B52's to bomb either. They need Warthogs. Maybe even Apaches if they can deal with the missiles.
How easy is it to launch a surprise air attack when you've deployed 6 fighters? Pretty fucking hard, because neither people nor aircraft can operate 24/7 for very long.
But if they are a couple hundred planes available, then it's easy to launch large raids 24/7 at targets of opportunity.
As I said, we need far more resources to deal with the militarily.
You say the ideology can't be beaten, but if you kill enough people with those thoughts, then they will learn. You just have to be willing to sink to their own level and inflict the same kind of terror and ass-whupping on them that they do on us.