CanAm1 CanAm1:
hwacker hwacker:
Aging_Redneck Aging_Redneck:
Derby talks about freedom of choice, but he doesn't want to talk about the reality of this freedom. 43 abortions per 100 live births....that's disturbing!
I think he knows if all the aborted kids since 1972 were alive today he's be on welfare, he's just stacking the deck for his career.
Oh BTW that's about 5M kids.
OMG! That is mass genocide. I have seen a video of an abortion (partial birth)
the baby was kicking, it's mouth opened as the tongs clamped onto his head (probably just reflex but we will never know) and the skull was crushed.
Have you ever seen a video of a pregnant women being blown to bits by a mortar shell in a war zone?
They quickly threw the remains into a medical waste bin. And walked off leaving the woman crying hysterically. It was done pretty matter of factly and without remorse on the doctors part. So I can believe that people in the industry have desencitized (sp) themselves to this atrocity.
You don't know the circumstances surrounding the events of that video. Every single one of those "Oh my gawd, they killed a baby!" videos is taken out of context and likely outdated.