ridenrain ridenrain:
Derby: The proof will be in the media reaction to this. If the media blames the current government or focusses on the fact that the curent government is against awarding this medal, I will consider myself right.
If this wasn't a political move and the Doctor's supporters finally got their message through, then we'll see more about him and his benefits and not the political side.
1) You aren't addressing the fact that if your actual beef is with the OoC award procedure then who and why getting the medal wouldn't matter.
2) The media and public will hold Harper's gov't accountable for opposing the medal based on his reasons just as they held every gov't accountable who opposed (if any) other OoC awards. If he opposes it based on their opposition to abortion then he should be held accountable because they made damn sure people knew their platform wasn't going to take away abortion as they knew that will drawn support away from them.
3) Read the article. 3 past attempts yet just because its Harper then it must be political? What logic are you using? Was it just as political when they did it to the Libs?
4) Even if it is politically motivated, on what basis do you blame the Liberals? You have no evidence at all do you? It might be people who hate both the Libs and CPC. You simply blamed the Liberals because you always do.
The real reason you are crying is because deep down you know that opposition to abortion is one of the factors that draws alot of support away from the CPC and that in order for them to slip this past the voters they need to quietly tell their supporters they will abolish it while pretending they won't publically until they can achieve a majority.
Publically bashing Morgentaller will blow their cover.