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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 10503
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:07 am

I know nothing about horse racing. So I shall limit my comments to snide remarks and sarcasm.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 14747
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:09 am

Sunnyways Sunnyways:
I wouldn’t advise the KD stewards to view the Grand National.

There’s always some interference in horse races.


I couldn't agree more. If you look at the picture I posted it's quite obvious that the cause of the pileup was the horse on the right (or left if you're facing the horses) who's putting his shoulder into the horse beside him causing all 3 horses behind Maximum Security to bunch up and not be able to pass.

But given the Derby committee's bizarre ruling, apparently it's the horse that's ahead which just happens to be Maximum Security who should have moved over and allowed the 3 other slower horses to pass. I'm sorry but this isn't some 4 lane highway in Iowa with grandma blocking the right lane. It's the Kentucky Derby or at least it was till the Derby committee lost their collective minds.

Anyone care to wage who'll finish higher in the Preakness and Belmont, Maximum Security or Country House?

An update:

Just watched the news and Maxium Security is skipping the Preakness while the owner appeals the KD Committee's ruling to the Kentucky Racing commission and for an added bonus they figure that no matter how it turns out there will be lawsuits by all kinds of interested parties. (read bookies and gamblers)

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 2:26 pm

xerxes xerxes:
BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Trump's comments don't matter. It's just his opinion and that has no effect on the outcome of the race.

Also, I think he got this one wrong. After looking at the video it's clear that Maximum Security almost caused a massive tumble of horses and riders and that's a safety violation that can't be ignored just because Maximum Security won.

The ruling was spot on. [B-o]

Agree as well. From the clips I’ve seen, it was a clear attempt to block a faster horse and a potentially unsafe action. Shitty that it happened, but rules are rules.

Though for the most part, I could care less.

Ah, we're in perfect agreement!

(But don't tell my wife, the horse racing fanatic!)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 2:51 pm

I'd call that a fair assessment with one exception. If he's calling it a singular, freak incident that a horse suddenly veers outward - especially coming around the bend for home, he's full of shit and he doesn't know what he's talking about I disagree. I will suggest it happens. Sometimes it's a DQ, sometimes it's not. But at the Kentucky freakin' Derby??? No way. Only if the officials want to virtue signal imaginary concern for some sort of 'Minority Report', alternative reality style concern over safety where tragedy could possibly, maybe have happened. But as NBC's "expert" says, the outcome of the race was never in doubt. The best horse did not win.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 3:06 pm

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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Posts: 35270
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 3:14 pm

I went to see the ponies once in my life. When I turned 18, my cousin and her husband decided to take me there with a few other family members. She asked me if I wanted to bet so I answered, "why not".

I bet with the assumption that these things were rigged so I studied the odds and waited until the last minute to put my $2 on a horse to win... come on people, this was 1971. $2 was a fucking fortune! :evil:

My horse won.

At the end of the day, I was the only one in the group with positive earnings, $28 [cheer] ... come on people, this was 1971. $28 was a fucking fortune! :evil:

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2221
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:05 pm

llama66 llama66:
I know nothing about horse racing. So I shall limit my comments to snide remarks and sarcasm.

As usual, I shall pretend to know something and not limit myself in such a fashion.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Dallas Stars

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Posts: 18770
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:36 am

All I know is that who ever bet on the eventual winner WON big time. 65-1 odds. Heck yeah I wish I had a bet on that race.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 10503
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:16 am

Sunnyways Sunnyways:
llama66 llama66:
I know nothing about horse racing. So I shall limit my comments to snide remarks and sarcasm.

As usual, I shall pretend to know something and not limit myself in such a fashion.

Bold strategy.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2221
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 10:52 pm

I had a FEELING about Serengeti Princess for the Oaks on Saturday. Something stirred within me when I heard about her recovery and strong gallops post-pulmonary hemorrhage. Fortunately, I never get round to placing a bet based on these feelings.

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