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Posts: 33691
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:41 am
Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: Turn about is fair play. The Republicans played this card on Al Franken, and now it's coming back to haunt them while they try to destroy the supreme court for the next 20 years. Maybe there is a God. Sorry, no. The Democrats played the Franken card on themselves, to set up the current nonsense of taking a 35 year old unsubstantiated story as reality. Especially from a Democrat donor who also chimed in on signing the letters to Trump complaining about Obama's policy to separate children at the border. There is more, but it will wait.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:08 am
Also, let's cut the crap. The Democrats do this all the time. No? Let's pretend Gloria Allred and her daughter don't exist then, shall we? But it's not just that mother daughter team anymore.
Nowadays these Progressive slime attacks of sexual assault allegation usually come in 2 steps.
This is the first step where they find some wacko willing to invent a past from usually long ago.
The second step is one we should get ready for. They usually have 5 or six other wackos waiting in the wings to go all 'hashtag Me Too.'
In the meantime Kavanaugh and the only alleged witness to this alleged event don't have a clue what she's talking about. It's also alleged What's Her Name wiped her social media presence of the internet before she "bravely" came forward. So, so far she's the only one showing any evidence of any kind of guilt.
Last edited by N_Fiddledog on Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:11 am
Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: Turn about is fair play. The Republicans played this card on Al Franken, and now it's coming back to haunt them while they try to destroy the supreme court for the next 20 years. Maybe there is a God. So Dianne Feinstein has photo's of Kavanaugh assaulting Ford? Sorry I couldn't resist and IMO what happened to Al Franken was way beyond justice and more akin to an old west lynch mob. But anyway, this new method of discrediting candidates you oppose with unprovable or uncorroborated assault accusations has gone way to far and should be stopped either by popular demand or, if that doesn't work litigation. Unfortunately for that to happen would mean the US would have to change defamation laws that make it extremely difficult for public figures to fight back against these types of accusations especially when the all the accuser has to do is say they "believed" the accusations were true. $1: Public figures have a more difficult time proving defamation. Politicians or celebrities are understood to take some risk in being before the public eye and many of them profit by their public persona. A celebrity must prove that the party defaming them knew the statements were false, made them with actual malice, or was negligent in saying or writing them. Proving these elements can be an uphill battle. However, an outrageously inaccurate statement that's harmful to one's career can be grounds for a successful defamation suit, even if the subject is famous. For example, some celebrities have won suits against tabloids for false statements regarding their ability to work, such as an inaccurate statement that the star had a drinking problem. https://injury-law.freeadvice.com/injur ... igures.htmI'd also like to point out that just because a bunch of half wit virtue signalers have decided that accusations = quilt still doesn't mean it's true and that fact has no political affiliation.
Last edited by Freakinoldguy on Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 841
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:11 am
BartSimpson BartSimpson: Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: Turn about is fair play. The Republicans played this card on Al Franken, and now it's coming back to haunt them while they try to destroy the supreme court for the next 20 years. Maybe there is a God. Actually the Democrats started this with Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment and the timing was the same: No one had ever heard of the accusation until there was a Supreme Court nomination. And just to remind you, Al Franken stupidly contributed to his own demise. Even Vox acknowledges this fact. https://www.vox.com/2018/5/21/17352230/ ... gillibrandNone of what you just said made any sense. The least of which going back 26 years in time when a sexual allegation did NOT result in someone losing their job. This was the norm until the #metoo movement. Prove it or shut up. Then Franken got a political hit job. At least this time the accuser has a long documented list of the events via her therapist. Turn about is fair play.
Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:19 am
Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: Turn about is fair play. Speaking of... Kavanaugh's accuser is butt hurt because when her deadbeat parents lost their home to foreclosure it was Kavanaugh's mother who presided over the case: http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/ca ... aseNum.jisLook up case # 156006V to see it for yourself.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:25 am
Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: At least this time the accuser has a long documented list of the events via her therapist. That still doesn't prove the accusations are true. Here are a couple of articles proving that "repressed" memories aren't necessarily "real" memories and if those students assessments of this woman are anywhere near true she's just might be a prime candidate for the "Are You Nuttier Than a 10 lb Squirrel Turd" game show. $1: As a “take-home” message from her talk, Dr. Loftus left her audience with this parting comment: “If I’ve learned anything from 40 years of working on these issues, just because a subject tells you that they have a detailed memory that’s very vivid, that doesn’t mean that it’s true.” https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog ... e-memoriesOr, it could just be lies all along. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/th ... rder-cults
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:27 am
martin14 martin14: Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: Turn about is fair play. The Republicans played this card on Al Franken, and now it's coming back to haunt them while they try to destroy the supreme court for the next 20 years. Maybe there is a God. Sorry, no. The Democrats played the Franken card on themselves, to set up the current nonsense of taking a 35 year old unsubstantiated story as reality. Especially from a Democrat donor who also chimed in on signing the letters to Trump complaining about Obama's policy to separate children at the border. There is more, but it will wait. Yes. It was the result of something the Progressive Dems refuse to acknowledge when they're launching their slimey tactics. Your own record had best be spotless now, Democrats. And is it? In fact the new Dem rules for slime attacks say spotless right back to grade school. With Dems I'm not sure it's even necessary to go back that far. "The Democrats are now calling for a delay in the confirmation vote to investigate further (despite the FBI having said it did not intend to investigate).
Whether the gambit succeeds or fails, though, Democrats are forgetting an important lesson from the past when it comes to their “ends justify the means” tactics: They always backfire.
Whether it be Congressional protocol, such as Harry Reid’s introduction of the “nuclear option” for judicial appointments, or the appropriation of the #MeToo movement as part of a feminist campaign to damage President Donald Trump, leaving several high-profile Democrats in its wake, the answer ultimately comes back to tu quoque.
The Left’s latest scorched-earth tactic combines both of those examples, using the yet unsubstantiated harassment claim against Kavanaugh as a way to effectively filibuster the nomination (at least until the midterm election).
However, the Left, which still has plenty of beams in its own eye, may not be considering the unintended consequences of borking Kavanaugh, which will open every public official—past, present or future—to having their own high school records scrutinized, whether justifiably or not.
Already, The Daily Caller has pointed out one such hypocrisy among the Democratic ranks, noting that DNC chair Tom Perez has hopped on the Kavanaugh investigation bandwagon despite refusing to address the very real domestic abuse allegations against his own deputy, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison.
Ellison, who is running for Minnesota attorney general, has been accused of physically abusing ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan, including dragging her off a bed. Monahan’s son, Austin, corroborated the accusations, saying he had seen video footage on his mother’s computer.
“I only know what I saw and I know what’s true,” Austin Monahan said. “It was my job to stand up for my mother. … I have no reason to tear down this man.”
While the DNC claimed on Aug. 14 to be reviewing the accusations against Ellison, Perez later punted the investigation to the Minnesota branch, the Democratic Farmer-Labor party, without ever publicly addressing the findings.
The Daily Caller noted that “Like the DNC, the DFL has remained elusive about the details of its Ellison investigation—for example, who exactly is running the investigation, how they’re conducting it and what the status of the probe is.”
One critical difference, of course, is that the accusations against Ellison relate to the actions of a fully-grown adult who, like other #MeToo culprits, exploited a position of power and authority.
By contrast, Ford’s account of the failed hookup with Kavanaugh alleges that he “clumsily attempt[ed] to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it” until a friend jumped on top of the bed they were on, according to The Washington Post.
Republicans might well come out on top in the race to capitalize on youthful indiscretions, but the terror of having teenage baggage aired out and privacy violated should be enough to give pause to many, whether for their own sake or their children‘s.https://www.libertyheadlines.com/dems-a ... ugh-smear/
Posts: 10503
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:38 am
Lets just have fucking robots make decisions for us. Clearly, we've lost the capacity to govern ourselves.
Posts: 11240
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:29 pm
BartSimpson BartSimpson: Prof_Chomsky Prof_Chomsky: Turn about is fair play. Speaking of... Kavanaugh's accuser is butt hurt because when her deadbeat parents lost their home to foreclosure it was Kavanaugh's mother who presided over the case: http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/ca ... aseNum.jisLook up case # 156006V to see it for yourself. Now this situation makes sense, pure revenge on something he had nothing to do with. The DNC is using this to smear Kavanaugh. My faith in the DNC is confirmed.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:55 pm
xerxes xerxes: The other timing that is suspicious how the list of 60+ women in support of Kavanaugh came out within minutes of this allegation. It's almost as though it was expected or something.... And btw, the woman has waived her anonymity: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/16/brett-kavanaugh-accuser-speaks-washington-post-alleged-sexual-assault-supreme-courtI believe her. But it will make no difference. Kavanaugh will get in with 100% GOP senate support as well as with a handful of gutless Democrat quislings who wouldn't stand up to stop Trump even if someone pointed a gun in their goddamn faces. When you get down to it today's American right-wing extremists would completely support someone who ran a grooming gang for pre-teen prostitutes if they turned out to be the key SCOTUS vote who would (a) get rid of birth control and, (b) ensconce Trump as an effective king immune from any and all consequences for his lifelong criminality.
Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:36 pm
Thanos Thanos: I believe her. All you have to go on is a 'repressed memory' that her therapist 'retrieved'. Need I remind you that the same quackery led to a repeat of the Salem Witch Trials three hundred years after the fact? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trialIs that enough to ruin lives over? I ask, would you want your life utterly destroyed over an allegation of abuse from 35 years ago?
Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:37 pm
Thanos Thanos: When you get down to it today's American right-wing extremists would completely support someone who ran a grooming gang for pre-teen prostitutes Actually, that's the UK Liberals who've already done that.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:44 pm
I wouldn't know anything about that because I don't support fucking disgusting hedonist British liberals than I do the fucking disgusting American hypocrite right-wing extremist supporters & enablers of a repellent hedonist wannabe king.
Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:48 pm
Thanos Thanos: I wouldn't know anything about that because I don't support fucking disgusting hedonist British liberals than I do the fucking disgusting American hypocrite right-wing extremist supporters & enablers of a repellent hedonist wannabe king. You know, Kavanaugh has a pretty respectable record as a jurist that predates President Trump. If you don't give a shit who you crap all over in your rabid hatred for Trump then carry on. But maybe this guy deserves a fair shake before you denounce him just like the Democrat puppet masters want you to do.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:58 pm
The basic fact is that if Trump wants something then what he wants is bad for almost everyone else. With Kavanaugh, just like Gorsuch, it'll start with Roe v Wade and then work it's way through all the other "conservative" talking points, like approvals for rampant gerrymandering, immunity for criminal politicians, and a rapid increase in the erosion of protections for the individual in favour of corporate "rights".
But what the fuck do you care anyway. You're for all of this shit, the sort of stuff that would have sent your Founders into a rage at the very thought of what the right-wingers want. You'll scream and yell and snowflake like a goddamn child whenever the government says boo to you but at the same time you'll bend over and happily spread your cheeks if an even worse intrusion or obliteration of rights happens to serve the interests of the financial sector and your plutocrat superiors. For all the game you right-wingers talk about freedom and liberty you're usually the first ones to volunteer to be slaves to whoever comes along with the most money.
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