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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:45 pm

shockedcanadian shockedcanadian:
Coach85 Coach85:
shockedcanadian shockedcanadian:
Arrogance will get you nowhere. Just ask Harper, Vic Toews and Julien "I disrespect the Charter of Rights" Fantino how thaa worked out for them.

Worked out quite well for all of them.

Arrogance is thinking these people care what you have to say. They don't. Guaranteed.

Of course these Canadian politicians don't care, but and more American politicians care, their country and their jobs depend on it.

They care, sure. They all do to an extent.

I never said they didn't care.

I said they don't care what you have to say. Based on your grade 7 level English, I suspect your email was filed under "T". Trash.

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