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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:49 pm

Iggy's gonna jump parties???? 8O

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs


Posts: 20460
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:52 pm

PublicAnimalNo9 PublicAnimalNo9:
Iggy's gonna jump parties???? 8O

Don't worry.

Laytons job is safe with him at the helm.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:55 pm


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:59 pm

DerbyX DerbyX:

In addition to what I just posted to Stokes which goes double for you, I'll again point out the only idiot who claimed the economy was doing fine and dandy right up until it went critical was Harper. He was the person ignoring the giant 10 tonne elephant down south when everybody else was saying it was going to hit us ans most were saying it already was. We weren't taken by surprise only Harper was.

Now since you were posting newslinks that claimed harpers steady hand is what saw Canada through the rough times its down right dishonest to claim his leadership didn't lead us into it then. What goes around comes around and once again I'll point out that Harper is the man behind the budget. The Liberals supported it but that was back before it grew an additional 30 billion in the red.

If Harper doesn't want to accept responsibility then rest assured Iggy will be more then happy to assume that role.

Again, more lies.

You guys would like to claim that Harper was denying the fact that a recession was near, but it's not the case at all.

October 7, 2009
Stephen Harper insists he's still optimistic about Canada's economic prospects despite a pessimistic warning from top economists that the country is heading for a prolonged, severe recession.

Jim Flaherty Jim Flaherty:
"We're in good shape to weather the storm."

Harper didn't agree that the recession would be prolonged and severe. He was correct. Our economy will grow 1.3 percent in the current quarter. The first nation to recover from the recession.

November 23, 2009
Stephen Harper Stephen Harper:
"The most recent forecasts, and there has been a series of predictions, [are that] there is a suggestion that there might be a technical recession at the end of this year or the beginning of next,

We were officially in recession by Q4 in Canada and we're the first to get out of the recession. 7 Months and we're out.

You guys are just pissed cause Harper didn't panic and start throwing money around.

Many Liberals and media pundits claimed that Harper mis-managed the recession, as if he could have done something prior to the recession to stop it. Naturally, one would have to be an idiot to think that and be completely oblivious to our trading partners and the rest of the World to think otherwise.

Junior Member
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:04 pm

OnTheIce OnTheIce:
DerbyX DerbyX:

In addition to what I just posted to Stokes which goes double for you, I'll again point out the only idiot who claimed the economy was doing fine and dandy right up until it went critical was Harper. He was the person ignoring the giant 10 tonne elephant down south when everybody else was saying it was going to hit us ans most were saying it already was. We weren't taken by surprise only Harper was.

Now since you were posting newslinks that claimed harpers steady hand is what saw Canada through the rough times its down right dishonest to claim his leadership didn't lead us into it then. What goes around comes around and once again I'll point out that Harper is the man behind the budget. The Liberals supported it but that was back before it grew an additional 30 billion in the red.

If Harper doesn't want to accept responsibility then rest assured Iggy will be more then happy to assume that role.

Again, more lies.

You guys would like to claim that Harper was denying the fact that a recession was near, but it's not the case at all.

October 7, 2009
Stephen Harper insists he's still optimistic about Canada's economic prospects despite a pessimistic warning from top economists that the country is heading for a prolonged, severe recession.

Jim Flaherty Jim Flaherty:
"We're in good shape to weather the storm."

Harper didn't agree that the recession would be prolonged and severe. He was correct. Our economy will grow 1.3 percent in the current quarter. The first nation to recover from the recession.

November 23, 2009
Stephen Harper Stephen Harper:
"The most recent forecasts, and there has been a series of predictions, [are that] there is a suggestion that there might be a technical recession at the end of this year or the beginning of next,

We were officially in recession by Q4 in Canada and we're the first to get out of the recession. 7 Months and we're out.

You guys are just pissed cause Harper didn't panic and start throwing money around.

Many Liberals and media pundits claimed that Harper mis-managed the recession, as if he could have done something prior to the recession to stop it. Naturally, one would have to be an idiot to think that and be completely oblivious to our trading partners and the rest of the World to think otherwise.

Good post!

Harper has managed this crisis very well and is to be commended.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs


Posts: 20460
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:07 pm

Your own evidence shows he wasn't taking the warnings to heart. Nice try. The only person who panicked was apparently Harper who started chucking money around as evidenced by the massive deficit.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs


Posts: 20460
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:09 pm

NancyDrew NancyDrew:

Good post!

Harper has managed this crisis very well and is to be commended.

Yeah its amazing how little responsibility Harper has on the economy but how much credit.

Active Member
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:23 pm

Ahh great, they'll probably gut the forces (again) first... I'm just getting in! I might be voting for the first time.

Last edited by erik06 on Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 12349
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:25 pm

Well, the recession may be "off", by the StatsCan definition, but it's not "over" by a longshot. There are twice as many unemployed Canadians as of Labour Day 2009 versus Labour Day 2008. The recession in the labour market is as bad as it was 6 months ago and will continue to be recessed for years. And just because we have poisitve GDP growth this quarter doesn't mean it won't be negative again over the next two quarters, making it a statistical recession again. And, as an added benefit, we have to come up with $50B at the expense of already underfunded programs like Health Care, EI and the DND.

The reason that Canada faired better than the rest of the world is the strength of our credit markets, facilitated by our rock-solid private banking sector. The backbone of the banking sector is the Bank Act, updated by Mulroney's government, especially Michael Wilson and John Crow. Doubling unemployment and increasing debt by $50B is not "success". So, to say "Harper navigated us successfully through the recession" is a falsehood. John Crow and Brian Mulroney deserve more of the credit for how Canada was hit by the storm, compared to the rest of the world, than Harper.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:30 pm

Doughboy Doughboy:
Ahh great, they'll probably gut the forces (again) first... I'm just getting in! I might be voting for the first time.

Well I suggest voting for....


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:32 pm

OnTheIce OnTheIce:
You guys are just pissed cause Harper didn't panic and start throwing money around.

I don't think Harper is the panicking type, but he sure did start throwing money around, which wouldn't bother me so much, except it was MY money. :lol:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:48 pm

DerbyX DerbyX:
Your own evidence shows he wasn't taking the warnings to heart. Nice try. The only person who panicked was apparently Harper who started chucking money around as evidenced by the massive deficit.


If the Liberals had won last October, would you criticize them for bringing forth a stimulus package and putting us into deficit to the tune of billions?

You seem to against the idea of stimulus, I'm interested in your answer.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:03 pm

I think I figured out how Iggy's gonna do it. But I'm not sure if he sold enough books :lol:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs


Posts: 20460
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:55 pm

OnTheIce OnTheIce:
DerbyX DerbyX:
Your own evidence shows he wasn't taking the warnings to heart. Nice try. The only person who panicked was apparently Harper who started chucking money around as evidenced by the massive deficit.


If the Liberals had won last October, would you criticize them for bringing forth a stimulus package and putting us into deficit to the tune of billions?

You seem to against the idea of stimulus, I'm interested in your answer.

Yes I would. I am against the idea of the government going into to debt by giving money away. I'm not against things like the home reno credit and I thought Canada should have some sort of tax credit for new car buying as well but I do not like the government going into debt some 50 billion dollars in a single year. Any stimulus I do favour I also feel should have been hedged by a tax increase. Even a small increase would alleviate a significant amount of the deficit.

If you were so for it you wouldn't be trying to make absolutely certain that everybody but Harper takes as much responsibility as possible for that deficit.

I can tolerate some debt and so could the opposition. They supported a budget far below the 50+ billion deficit it ballooned to.

Now the question is what would you be saying if Dion had won the election and/or a coalition had taken control and we ended up with the same 50+ billion deficit.

I have no illusions that every single con on here would be vilifying them with all kinds of rants about socialism, tax and spend, etc. Are you going to tell me you would be so forgiving if Dion were running the deficit as you are for Harper?

Forum Elite
Forum Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:53 am

Nope. You just made a hasty statement and I tore it to shreds like I always do to you sunshine.

Nope. I proved it to you 3 times now. You just like to think you're 'forum-tough'. :roll:
That's why you use stupid phrases like "tore it to shreds" :lol:
What an olympian level goof! :lol: I've proved it 3 times now and all you do is play this game where you come back, refuse to read the graph and call me 'moron' and 'liar' as though you were some kind of 'great debater'....phfft. Great masurbator maybe.

Guess I'll have to whip this out and shove it in your face again since all you can do is ignore away from the thread and then come back later claiming to be a 'winner' lol.
Table 8.2: Percentage Change in Taxes From 1965 to 1996

Total change (Percentage)
Change by tax type (Percentage)

Profit and Income
Social Security
Goods and Services

United States 17.3 15.4 118.8 -20.5 10.9
Japan 55.2 30.0 160.0 113.3 8.3
United Kingdom 18.4 16.8 31.9 13.6 25.7
Canada 42.1 74.0 328.6 2.7 13.3
OECD average 45.0 47.3 104.2 0.0 23.7
Germany 20.6 0.9 82.4 38.9 1.9
Italy 69.4 223.9 70.1 27.8 10.9
France 32.5 49.1 66.9 53.3 5.3
Sweden 48.6 10.9 269.0 233.3 8.3

There ya go Derby. '65 to 96. More taxes than most people on Earth.
Now I'd like to see you deal with your BS that somehow the Liberals were responsible for the fact Canada "has no manufacturing to speak of", and "no military to speak of".

I'm not going to argue about the Liberals hacking the military to shreds. Everyone knows that. To argue it is to argue that black is actually green. The manufacturing? Well they're responsible for our dismal manufacturing sector because as you already pointed out: they've been in power for 75 years! They've had 75 years to build a decent manufacturing base and we still don't have one.
It proves exactly what i said Derby. Here you are again with your "up is down" statements. The data shows exactly what I said. We are taxed more than most anyone and in the top ten or sometimes top 5. That's what I said Derby. You can try and spin it all you like but you're just showing everyone here what a complete liar you are.
No you didn't. Its right there on page 5. pay more taxes than most anyone on earth. Nothing about the top 10 or top 5. More of your lies.

Nope. No lies, that's what you do. Right here, page 6:
Yes I have. Whereas you show me a graph of personal income tax and I already pointed out that just because luxenburg is paying more income tax than us doesn't mean they pay any sales tax at all. The only graph that will do any good is one where we show what people around the world have been paying sum total over the past 20-30 years. When you do that it'll show us in the top ten usually, top five occasionally.

Eventually I produced the graph above and it proves what I said here exactly as well as showing that yes indeed, we are taxed more than most on Earth.

You're such a whiney little baby Derby. I mean I know you think you sound cool, but no, you don't. You sound like a whiny little baby who need to prove something. Only a whiney bratty little baby would lie like this so much on this stupid point they made about the Liberals being in power for 75 year as if that means anything. Only a little baby would ignore the information being presented and discussed and concentrate on his day dream of being the 'Forum UFC' champion by throwing out words like 'liar' and 'moron' when he doesn't have a countrer point.:lol:
:lol: Arguing with you is like arguing with a 5 year old. "Naw-ah. Is not" :lol:

"Off you go now" Derby :lol:

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