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CKA Uber
Posts: 33492
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:28 am
bootlegga bootlegga: xerxes xerxes: Still, if it was ISIS behind this, I'd say it's finally time to make Raqqah look like Passchendale after the war. Yep, it looks like it's time for the gloves to come off. So, are we going to institute the draft? What was the cost to the US for the failed Iraq II mess in lives and treasure? How much more will it cost this time, fighting an enemy that comes and disappears? How long do you think it will take to occupy the region with very strict controls until groups like ISIS disappear? What about all the other jihadi groups in the world that are not in Syria or Iraq? What will they do while all our effort is expended in those two countries? What will Turkey do as we hand over large portions of Iraq and Syria to the Kurds? How much help will southern Iraq/Iran be, how much hindrance. What will Russia do? Are we going to let them keep Assad in power, maybe give them Ukraine to keep them onside? And so on... But number one, are we really ready to stay on a war footing for likely decades, keep sending our people over there to die, way ramp up our military budget? ISIS isn't a country, it's an ideology that has spread it's cancer around the world. I doubt it can be defeated by conventional military means. If we had some solid allies in the region to help them gain power and keep the region friendly toward us, that would be one thing, but we don't. Even the Kurds are producing ISIS fighters. There seem to be few good options, or we would have done them by now. Sometimes an elephant can stomp around all it wants, but can't stop the vermin biting at it's feet. We need a better strategy in the West in dealing with Muslims living among us. Canada is actually an example here because we've had very little of the shit they have in Europe, and I think most Muslims living here would support Canada rather than the jihadists if we get the same shit here. I guess we do have to have a clear approach towards the Muslims living here. If you are with us, great, welcome, show it by helping us root out the jihadists. We need to press them much harder on the issue, and if they're not with us, well buh bye. France otoh, has far more work to do. They've allowed ghettos of Muslims to fester, they did not open their doors for Muslims to integrate the way we did. It might be too late for France to change it now, but they have to try. Same with all the other European countries - time to give your Muslims a choice between the carrot and the stick.
Posts: 33691
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:32 am
#Bruxelles #Molenbeek opérations de #police liées aux #parisattentats: 1 arrestation tinyurl.com/q8bu2ln
Belgian Justice Minister says more arrests made.
The east part of Molenbeek is generally a no go area for police.
Syrian passport holder passed through Greece - minister Posted at 16:38
A Greek government minister says the holder of a Syrian passport found at the scene crossed into the European Union through the Greek island of Leros in October.
Deputy public order minister Nikos Toskas, said in a statement:
On the case of the Syrian passport found at the scene of the terrorist attack, we announce that the passport holder passed from Leros on October 3 where he was identified based on EU rules ... We do not know if the passport was checked by other countries through which the holder likely passed.
Bataclan attacker 'was Frenchman known to police'
Posts: 13404
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:36 am
With their population mix, French anti-terrorist police files must be the most extensive on earth.
Last edited by Jabberwalker on Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 9445
Posts: 13404
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:06 am
BRAH BRAH: BREAKING: Paris terrorist was a Syrian refugee, says Greece government official
http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/619447/Paris-terrorist-Syrian-refugee-Greece-government-official______ Justin might want to rethink the Syrian refugee policy. This might be a bit more believable if it came from a newspaper that didn't have a photo of the corpse of an Alien and another one showing a "Monster Mammal" walking on the surface of Mars on the front page. It might be true but .... y'know ...look at the source. The GOOD newspapers from the UK are cheesy tabloids. The BAD ones, ...
Posts: 5233
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:30 am
It's been said a few times over the years that at some point the europeans will remeber just how ruthless and vicious they can be. I wonder if this will be that final straw?
If Hollande was serious when he said that "Grance will be merciless in it's response", the jihadis are in for a very bad time.
Posts: 33691
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:39 am
Jabberwalker Jabberwalker: This might be a bit more believable if it came from a newspaper ..look at the source. The GOOD newspapers from the UK are cheesy tabloids. The BAD ones, ...
Liberals use that a lot, to try and misdirect the conversation. I already posted a BBC exerpt that showed the same.. is that better ? Interesting that the local is from the same area as the CH jihadi who shot up the kosher store. 129 dead 352 wounded Unsound Unsound: It's been said a few times over the years that at some point the europeans will remeber just how ruthless and vicious they can be. I wonder if this will be that final straw?
If Hollande was serious when he said that "Grance will be merciless in it's response", the jihadis are in for a very bad time. This ? No. Not even close. Maybe 40 people get arrested, 20 to trial, 5 jailed for helping, and then nothing. It would need a low level nuke to get the Europussies off their asses. And the police to stop protecting the government.
Last edited by martin14 on Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1204
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:40 am
sandorski sandorski: martin14 martin14: And again, what difference does it make to you ?
Oh, right, this must be the white man's fault because the French aren't integrating their Muslims properly. So the real solution is to spend more money and bend over even more, and we need more diversity.
This is laughable, the bodies aren't even cold yet, and you and BF are busy trying to apologize for it. ...and you with others are spreading your xenophobic hateful BS. The xenophobic hateful BS came from the people who did this attack.
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:07 pm
andyt andyt: bootlegga bootlegga: xerxes xerxes: Still, if it was ISIS behind this, I'd say it's finally time to make Raqqah look like Passchendale after the war. Yep, it looks like it's time for the gloves to come off. So, are we going to institute the draft? What was the cost to the US for the failed Iraq II mess in lives and treasure? How much more will it cost this time, fighting an enemy that comes and disappears? How long do you think it will take to occupy the region with very strict controls until groups like ISIS disappear? What about all the other jihadi groups in the world that are not in Syria or Iraq? What will they do while all our effort is expended in those two countries? What will Turkey do as we hand over large portions of Iraq and Syria to the Kurds? How much help will southern Iraq/Iran be, how much hindrance. What will Russia do? Are we going to let them keep Assad in power, maybe give them Ukraine to keep them onside? And so on... But number one, are we really ready to stay on a war footing for likely decades, keep sending our people over there to die, way ramp up our military budget? ISIS isn't a country, it's an ideology that has spread it's cancer around the world. I doubt it can be defeated by conventional military means. If we had some solid allies in the region to help them gain power and keep the region friendly toward us, that would be one thing, but we don't. Even the Kurds are producing ISIS fighters. There seem to be few good options, or we would have done them by now. Sometimes an elephant can stomp around all it wants, but can't stop the vermin biting at it's feet. We need a better strategy in the West in dealing with Muslims living among us. Canada is actually an example here because we've had very little of the shit they have in Europe, and I think most Muslims living here would support Canada rather than the jihadists if we get the same shit here. I guess we do have to have a clear approach towards the Muslims living here. If you are with us, great, welcome, show it by helping us root out the jihadists. We need to press them much harder on the issue, and if they're not with us, well buh bye. France otoh, has far more work to do. They've allowed ghettos of Muslims to fester, they did not open their doors for Muslims to integrate the way we did. It might be too late for France to change it now, but they have to try. Same with all the other European countries - time to give your Muslims a choice between the carrot and the stick. You wouldn't need to draft anyone if you just nuke Raqqah.
Posts: 42160
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:09 pm
Can't figure out why the Syrian jihadi was carrying his passport.
Posts: 11240
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:26 pm
ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog: Can't figure out why the Syrian jihadi was carrying his passport. He didn't want to hide who he was.
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:37 pm
$1: The assaults were carried out by three coordinated teams that included a 25-year-old Syrian terrorist, French officials said.
• Was the Islamic State responsible?
The French president says yes, and a statement from the Islamic State militant group concurs.
And in Germany, the police were exploring whether a man they arrested last week with weapons in his car and his GPS navigator set for Paris was linked to the attacks.
• Other recent terror activity?
On Thursday, more than 40 people were killed in Beirut, Lebanon, in a bombing that targeted Iran’s Hezbollah allies. Earlier this month, more than 200 people died in the explosion of a Russian charter jet over Egypt.
The Islamic State claimed responsibility for both, and, now with Paris, the events suggest that the regional war has transformed into a global one. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/14/world ... .html?_r=0
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:41 pm
CRUZ: AMERICA MUST STAND WITH OUR ALLIES AGAINST THE SCOURGE OF RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM$1: HOUSTON, Texas — Presidential candidate Ted Cruz issued the following statement in response to the terrorist attacks in Paris:
“America must stand with our allies against the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism. This is an evil that does not discriminate between French, German or American, Christian, Muslim or Jew, soldier, football player, or concert goer. Their only goal is to murder those who do not submit to their vicious, totalitarian ideology. Our deepest condolences go out to our French allies, and I know the government of the United States stands by to offer any assistance necessary.
“We must now face the facts. Between the downing of the Russian jet over Egypt and this massive coordinated attack on Paris, we are seeing an unmistakable escalation of ISIS’ ambitions and the scale of their terrorist attacks outside Syria and Iraq. Even as chaos rages in Paris, we need to take immediate, commonsense steps to preserve our own safety. We need to consult closely with our NATO allies who may be targeted for additional attacks. We need to immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been infiltrated by ISIS to the United States. We need to redouble our efforts to prevent ISIS agents from penetrating our nation by other means.
“Such steps, however, are defensive reactions to an enemy that will continue to try to attack us until they succeed once again. We must immediately recognize that our enemy is not ‘violent extremism.’ It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west. It will not be appeased by outreach or declarations of tolerance. It will not be deterred by targeted airstrikes with zero tolerance for civilian casualties, when the terrorists have such utter disregard for innocent life. We must make it crystal clear that affiliation with ISIS and related terrorist groups brings with it the undying enmity of America—that it is, in effect, signing your own death warrant.” https://www.tedcruz.org/news/cruz-ameri ... terrorism/
CKA Uber
Posts: 33492
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:53 pm
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind: You wouldn't need to draft anyone if you just nuke Raqqah.
I'm sure that will calm things down. 
Posts: 33691
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:16 pm
GreenTiger GreenTiger: ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog: Can't figure out why the Syrian jihadi was carrying his passport. He didn't want to hide who he was. If he was registered as an asylum seeker in Beligum, he would still be required to carry his passport to get into France; technically of course, but it would have been stupid to get stopped at the border and detained by forgetting a passport. Schengen rules for passport free travel are for EU citizens only. But I tend to agree with GT; they want us to know who did this.
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