I had a friend many years ago whose cat didn't mind at all to be harnessed and walked. She even loved going camping with the family and had a long lead so that she could explore the campsite area without getting too far away. I remember joining them once for a weekend camp on the Sunshine Coast and while we were waiting at the ferry terminal we took her for a stroll. Some woman came up to us and freaked out and threatened to call the police and SPCA because my friend was being "cruel". We were sitting on a bench and her cat was quite contentedly sitting beside us while the woman ranted. Too funny.
CKA Uber
Posts: 11803
Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 10:00 am
My cat comes along with the dog and I, just so long as no one knows he's being walked. He darts from tree to under parked car, across the road behind a rock about 50 feet behind us.