Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 6:03 pm
Pretty sure that the results tonight will be much less interesting than watching the Dems plaintively wail tomorrow how they just can't understand how they got wiped out so badly (again), especially in an era where their opponents should be easy to beat considering that they've all turned into moron cultists for a deranged wannabe king. Look, it got explained to the Dems over and over and over again since the 2020 election what voters wanted - get Trump out of the White House and address COVID properly, something that Trump was monumentally disinterested in doing because there was nothing in it for him. The Dems succeeded on the first, did much better than the GQP ever could on the second, and as a bonus really went to bat for Ukraine. That last one is the best one. If it hadn't been for Biden then all of Ukraine would just be a miserable satrap for Moscow again, getting plundered and raped the way that happens to every imperial conquest, and the Russian pigs would have their eyes on all of Eastern Europe right now.
After that though what have they offered up? Nothing that would appeal to moderates and pretty much everything that was wanted by left wing social radicals. They did this despite being warned repeatedly not to because almost every social/cultural caused they've embraced is borderline anathema to the bulk of the American population. They're literally going to lose the majority of the Latino (NOT "Latinx"!) vote tonight because they simply can't accept that the socially conservative Latino (NOT "Latinx"!) community utterly rejects things like unlimited illegal immigration, schools teaching depraved & disgusting sickness to children, and allowing street crime to flourish beyond control. The Dem leadership and the campus activists who make their policies up might be addicted to bullshit like "the entire justice system is racist!". Unfortunately for the big brains at Dem HQ the rest of the US, especially the ones who still bother to vote, don't think that way in the slightest
They have no one to blame but themselves if a slaughter occurs tonight. Just like they've had no one to blame but themselves for the multiple times over the course of the last several decades that they previously botched it all up. And they keep endlessly botching because their entire party is built entirely around what some elitist limousine liberals think would be best. Maybe if American democracy slides towards its end with the election tonight and the one in 2024 it'll be a refreshing change, because at this point anything would be better than watching the Democratic Party step on the wrong end of the rake again for the nth fucking time. There's no indication that they've noticed at all that the handle of the rake that keeps smacking them right between the eyes has had "FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT" written on it in big bold letters. Someone with a clue would have noticed the first time they got nailed. The Dems though? Nah.