raydan raydan:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Slurs have no place anywhere, but the locker room is exactly the place to find them. Hockey, Football, Autoracing, whatever. Whenever men have to prove their manhood and virility, they will use whatever tools are in the toolbox.
Don't remember hearing any slurs when I played sports but those memories may have been flushed. I do remember asking questions about their mother or sisters though. As you may suspect, I was pretty imaginative about my trash talking.

When I used to referee, that was all I heard. It's why so many first nations players never came back. And partly why I stopped too.
I think racism is something we have to unlearn. It's in our reptile brain that things that are different are bad. And kids can be the worst kind of bad, especially to each other. I know, because I was a kid.
And I still hear stuff like that racing. And it usually stops when you stare at the person a little too long.