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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:52 am

Title: Neo-Nazi Brandon Russell, partner charged in Maryland power grid plot
Category: Law & Order
Posted By: Scape
Date: 2023-02-06 15:16:59

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:52 am

Neo-Nazis, eh? Didn't see that coming.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Dallas Stars

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:40 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Neo-Nazis, eh? Didn't see that coming.

In truth I had my money on far left tree huggers trying to save the planet by causing their fellow humans to starve and of freeze do to lack of electricity. Neo-Nazis came in second.

Last edited by stratos on Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:25 am

stratos stratos:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Neo-Nazis, eh? Didn't see that coming.

In truth I had my money on far left tree huggers trying to save the planet but causing their fellow humans to starve and of freeze do to lack of electricity. Neo-Nazis came in second.

Neo-Nazis were my first choice, Anarchists my second. Tree huggers weren't on the list, because by definition they value all life.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Dallas Stars

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:31 am

Tree Huggers kind of are anarchists in todays society. Greta crowed of climate change people fit the mold.

CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:37 am

stratos stratos:
Tree Huggers kind of are anarchists in todays society. Greta crowed of climate change people fit the mold.

Only if you heat the mould up, and re-form it to fit the definition you want. Tree huggers want the world to be better, Anarchists want the current world to burn. Greta wants the former.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Dallas Stars

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:49 am

So by following Greta's and her kinds thinking. You must no longer use OIL right now. Quit burning coal right now. Change everything over to solar and battery right now. Your countries economy will be a wreak. People will and are starving because the nations infra structure is in shambles, no electricity for 90% of the population. Jobs that people, famlies, and even towns depend on to survive will be gone. Sure sounds like anarchy type want for the world.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Dallas Stars

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:54 am

Anyway when I think of Tree Huggers the Unabomber type person comes to mind. His manifesto was riddled with anti industry shut it all down type ramblings. At least to my memory of his BS back when it came out.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:16 am

stratos stratos:
So by following Greta's and her kinds thinking.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

stratos stratos:
You must no longer use OIL right now. Quit burning coal right now. Change everything over to solar and battery right now.

Why 'right now'? Small steps, made quicker. I only drive once a week, right now. My car will be paid for in June. I will buy an EV then. I will charge it with solar panels on the garage roof that I will install this summer.

That's the viewpoint of the climate deniers. That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless. Even though every major change in industry and commerce happens gradually, over time. That's how the Petro backed think tanks have scripted the Right to speak. You should watch the PBS Frontline series 'The Power of Big Oil', just to see how many of their euphemisms have made it into popular politics. ... ocuseries/

stratos stratos:
Your countries economy will be a wreak.

Your country leads the change to renewable energy installations, which exceeded the cost of new petro installations, for the last 5 years running. How is your economy doing? ;)

Europe has to change quickly from Methane to renewable energy. How is their economy?

stratos stratos:
People will and are starving because the nations infra structure is in shambles, no electricity for 90% of the population. Jobs that people, famlies, and even towns depend on to survive will be gone.

Adapt, or die. That is how human civilization has operated for thousands of years. If the climate exceeds or even matches current future predictions, and we do nothing, we will all die anyhow.

stratos stratos:
Sure sounds like anarchy type want for the world.

If you squint your eyes, and look sideways, I suppose.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:19 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:

That's the viewpoint of the climate deniers. That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless. Even though every major change in industry and commerce happens gradually, over time. That's how the Petro backed think tanks have scripted the Right to speak. You should watch the PBS Frontline series 'The Power of Big Oil', just to see how many of their euphemisms have made it into popular politics.

You're more kind than me. Personally I think they know that you can take gradual steps, but they don't want to because they, like the aforementioned anarchists, are perfectly happy watching the world burn.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:26 am

Tricks Tricks:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:

That's the viewpoint of the climate deniers. That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless. Even though every major change in industry and commerce happens gradually, over time. That's how the Petro backed think tanks have scripted the Right to speak. You should watch the PBS Frontline series 'The Power of Big Oil', just to see how many of their euphemisms have made it into popular politics.

You're more kind than me. Personally I think they know that you can take gradual steps, but they don't want to because they, like the aforementioned anarchists, are perfectly happy watching the world burn.

I try not to dismiss people because they lack knowledge. I tend to think the news vacuum they are part of doesn't let them know the world is burning, and has been smouldering for 40 years. Like that yahoo yesterday who ate hot peppers to prove climate change is no big deal.

There may people completely evil that know what is actually going on, and still don't care. But I won't assume Stratos is one of those until he actually writes it.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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Posts: 25477
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:40 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Tricks Tricks:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:

That's the viewpoint of the climate deniers. That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless. Even though every major change in industry and commerce happens gradually, over time. That's how the Petro backed think tanks have scripted the Right to speak. You should watch the PBS Frontline series 'The Power of Big Oil', just to see how many of their euphemisms have made it into popular politics.

You're more kind than me. Personally I think they know that you can take gradual steps, but they don't want to because they, like the aforementioned anarchists, are perfectly happy watching the world burn.

I try not to dismiss people because they lack knowledge. I tend to think the news vacuum they are part of doesn't let them know the world is burning, and has been smouldering for 40 years. Like that yahoo yesterday who ate hot peppers to prove climate change is no big deal.

There may people completely evil that know what is actually going on, and still don't care. But I won't assume Stratos is one of those until he actually writes it.

There is no reason to lack knowledge, especially this knowledge that's been hammered into our brains for what? 40 years? Nah it's either willful ignorance or malicious.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:05 am

Tricks Tricks:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Tricks Tricks:
You're more kind than me. Personally I think they know that you can take gradual steps, but they don't want to because they, like the aforementioned anarchists, are perfectly happy watching the world burn.

I try not to dismiss people because they lack knowledge. I tend to think the news vacuum they are part of doesn't let them know the world is burning, and has been smouldering for 40 years. Like that yahoo yesterday who ate hot peppers to prove climate change is no big deal.

There may people completely evil that know what is actually going on, and still don't care. But I won't assume Stratos is one of those until he actually writes it.

There is no reason to lack knowledge, especially this knowledge that's been hammered into our brains for what? 40 years? Nah it's either willful ignorance or malicious.

No, not everyone pays attention to current events with any concern. They get their sound bites from the radio they listen to on the way home. or the TV that is on while they make dinner. They get sucked in to the media vortex that is designed to suck them in and keep them.

It's if you present them with facts, and they reject those facts - then it's wilful ignorance. Or cognitive bias. ;)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Dallas Stars

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:18 am

"Assumes facts not in evidence"

Her speech to the UN but oh I guess her words are not facts.

"That's the viewpoint of the climate deniers. That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless."

No it is those who insist we change right now being the same ones who follow Greta

Seems you are the one squinting your eyes if you thin the Deniers are saying we should do it all right now.

"Your country leads the change to renewable energy installations, which exceeded the cost of new petro installations, for the last 5 years running."

Actually kind of crappy cost of everything is way up same as it is all over the world. Nice of you to admit that the renewable energy is costing more the new petro ones.

"Adapt, or die. That is how human civilization has operated for thousands of years. If the climate exceeds or even matches current future predictions, and we do nothing, we will all die anyhow."

So you plan on saving the world by killing half of it. Your statement Change or die, change or we die. You left out one thing we all are going to die no matter what.

No touted climate prediction has come true. The prediction 2015 or so the Ice caps were all supposed to have melted flooding of biblical proportions were came true... oh wait NONE of the predicted forecast have come true yet you still want to say hey these new revised ones will.

Keep squinting and turning your heads side ways.

" My car will be paid for in June. I will buy an EV then. I will charge it with solar panels on the garage roof that I will install this summer."

Good I know many that use solar power for their homes. Some even have the charging station for their car's. Government here is now saying that you can no longer do that. That you will have to charge your cars at mandatory stations to be properly taxed.

Serious question do you know have to plan long trips around were there are recharge stations? Or do you plan on only ever driving as far as half a charge can take you.

Look I'm NOT against change but the insistence of change all right now is pathetic. That is what I have been pointing or trying to point out. You have twisted it into OMG YOU ARE A CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER. And now with trix are ridiculing and it seems attempting belittle me.

Thanks for the rapid reminder of why so many have quit coming to the site.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:57 am

stratos stratos:
"Assumes facts not in evidence"

Her speech to the UN but oh I guess her words are not facts.

stratos stratos:
So by following Greta's and her kinds thinking. You must no longer use OIL right now.

The assumption is that I 'follow' Greta. I've been warning about climate change long before she was born. Long before her parents hit puberty. Who is following whom?

stratos stratos:
"That's the viewpoint of the climate deniers. That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless."

No it is those who insist we change right now being the same ones who follow Greta

Seems you are the one squinting your eyes if you thin the Deniers are saying we should do it all right now.

'Right now' being 40 years ago. And the viewpoint of the deniers is the one that I wrote. " That if we don't do everything everywhere all at once, then changing anything is pointless."

If that is your viewpoint, you may be a denier. I'm not sure, as I wrote in response to Tricks.

stratos stratos:
"Your country leads the change to renewable energy installations, which exceeded the cost of new petro installations, for the last 5 years running."

Actually kind of crappy cost of everything is way up same as it is all over the world. Nice of you to admit that the renewable energy is costing more the new petro ones.

I wrote no such thing. I have actually published articles where electricity prices now are much less than natural gas. Especially since the war in Ukraine caused Russia to take their ball and go hom, then blow up all their pipelines to Europe.

And the US economy is doing very well, no matter how much Republicans insist it isn't.

stratos stratos:
"Adapt, or die. That is how human civilization has operated for thousands of years. If the climate exceeds or even matches current future predictions, and we do nothing, we will all die anyhow."

So you plan on saving the world by killing half of it. Your statement Change or die, change or we die. You left out one thing we all are going to die no matter what.

Wow, way to misread a plainly written sentence. And I actually wrote that thing that I 'left out' in the last sentence there. And yes, anything alive will die. But it is a vast difference between dying as individuals, or our entire species going extinct.

stratos stratos:
No touted climate prediction has come true. The prediction 2015 or so the Ice caps were all supposed to have melted flooding of biblical proportions were came true... oh wait NONE of the predicted forecast have come true yet you still want to say hey these new revised ones will.

Keep squinting and turning your heads side ways.

Read the Climate Change thread. Every single Climate Change prediction has come true, but years earlier than we thought it would. That why we need to start the change to a renewable energy economy right now. Not next week, right now.

Many of the climate predictions that you have been fed are a result of the media misinterpreting a science study. Find out who made that prediction, and you will see.

stratos stratos:
" My car will be paid for in June. I will buy an EV then. I will charge it with solar panels on the garage roof that I will install this summer."

Good I know many that use solar power for their homes. Some even have the charging station for their car's. Government here is now saying that you can no longer do that. That you will have to charge your cars at mandatory stations to be properly taxed.

You already pay tax on gasoline to pay for road repair. Why not tax people to pay for road repair? It's tax the charging, or tax you based on travel distance.

stratos stratos:
Serious question do you know have to plan long trips around were there are recharge stations? Or do you plan on only ever driving as far as half a charge can take you.

I don't have an EV right now, but the range on it will be comparable to my gas burner. I won't have to do much other than learn where chargers are and just arrange to stop there. There is a known issue where chargers get few and far between as you travel North, but there have been several people who have done a coast to coast trip in and EV, with no issues.

stratos stratos:
Look I'm NOT against change but the insistence of change all right now is pathetic. That is what I have been pointing or trying to point out.

Science have been saying we need to change for 40 years. Do you want me to post videos of the late Dr. Sagan testifying to Congress in the early 90's about it? That is what I have been trying to get across. It has become urgent because the oil companies have convinced a portion of the population that there is no problem, and now we are in dire circumstances.

stratos stratos:
You have twisted it into OMG YOU ARE A CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER. And now with trix are ridiculing and it seems attempting belittle me.

And I really FUCKING hate it when you put words in my mouth. I have NOT called you a denier. I have NOT belittled you. I have done exactly the opposite. I have treated you with respect. I have not made fun of you or your opinions. I have instead tried to show you why the viewpoint you hold is not based in reality. I have told Trick that I would rather treat you as someone who is uninformed, rather than someone who chooses to hold to their beliefs in the face of overwhelming contradictory facts. I may have to re-assess that.

stratos stratos:
Thanks for the rapid reminder of why so many have quit coming to the site.

Thank you for reminding me of how all those fragile souls didn't want to have an adult conversation, and instead thought that they could post random bullshit without being challenged on their incorrect or illogical rants.

I hope they have found a place that doesn't challenge their intellect, instead agreeing with everything they write, and leaving them to maintain with their misconceptions.

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