BeaverFever BeaverFever:
What you say about travel- maybe that depends on the league, I didn’t notice any parents in that Humboldt Broncos crash.
The Bronco's were coming home from an away game and most of them adults at 18+. Not really within the scope of issues like this.
Overnight trips aren't common in minor hockey and even at the most competitive teams (Midget AAA) parents are always on the road with them for tournaments. My son has almost aged out of minor hockey. This is his last year.
Overnighters may happen in the playoffs if you're playing a team far away. Even then, parents are there.
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
And as I recall, notorious hockey predator Graham James victimized his players on road trips.
Graham James is a piece of shit who's crimes occurred just about everywhere. Parents are far more hands on in terms of watching their athletes than they were in the past...and good on them.
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
But I note that those are highly competitive leagues with future-NHLers ( in fact I think James was also with the Broncos) which is kind of my point- kids don’t need to be playing at that level IMO their safety shouldn’t suffer for the glory of the sport, better to let the sport suffer for the safety of the kids.
Most players in these highly competitive leagues aren't kids. They're adults going down a particular career path.