DrCaleb DrCaleb:
housewife housewife:
Some of the so called ways people would try to abort are beyond understanding and sometimes fatal!! F.
It's been noticed that certain parties only care about the birth of a baby; they don't care about the mother, the father, or the child after it is born. So long as the baby gets born, they are happy, they don't care about the quality of life for that child or family.
Very ironic, I think, to want people to suffer just because of some sort of sense of social justice.
Very short sighted. Yes adoption is an option but still there will be a lot of babies born that won’t make it. The fact that they also talking about removal of the exceptions for rape and incense is horrible leaves open the question of medical reasons! They will increase their infant mortality and the increase of deaths during delivery or pregnancy complications!! Not too mention that they have a very low rate of prenatal care which adds to the possibility of complications and premature births!!
Just after my second was born by emergency C section 6 weeks early I saw a US documentary about premis they said that the US NNICU cost 10,000 a day! That was 1991! I delivered in Comox BC with an air ambulance on standby. I had #1 to fast so they couldn’t load me. We were lucky he could breathe so no evac to Vancouver but he was in his own section with his own nurse for 11 days before he was able to feed himself. Then before release they scared the hell out of me! Every instruction was followed by or he will stop eating lose weight and we will have to re-admit him! Can’t even imagine what that would have cost in the US! The delivery alone with consults with sick kids and a full team for the baby and the air ambulance on standby would have been a lot plus tube feeding, equipment and his own nurse! Some premis happen despite good prenatal care but without it the number rises quickly.
That’s not even taking into account the with how these babies will grow up. Kids are expensive and draining. I had people who helped who gave me a time out when I was feeling overwhelmed. Without support these kids could be born into hell on earth!