GreenTiger GreenTiger:
The Russians have no interest in attacking Poland at this point and my family is almast all Polish.
If anybody had an evil hand in this it would probably be al-Quada or some other F up Islamic group wanting to cause trouble.
What would be a better way than to to revive an old thnic/nationalistic feud.
You give AQ too much credit.
As for Russia, of course they don't plan to invade or anything overt. They have their hands in the politics and elections of all the former block countries trying to mess with them. Most of the stuff never even hits the news. Now did they do this? Possible, with them one can't rule it out. They did kill that former spy / double agent in the UK a few years back and nearly infected half of London doing it. SO they are not beyond stupid obvious things no one can firmly nail them for.
However I'm still on the side of NO on this one, at the moment.