Too often in life, we set goals for ourselves that are simply unattainable. In some cases,we simply do not have the drive to make those dreams a reality. On the other hand, there are those who, because of things like focus, determination, desire and proper support, can grab the brass ring and not look back. Case in point; let's examine Kaylee Tanner. Born in Poland, Kaylee attended a school of Music and Performing Arts, where she learned to play piano and violin at a fairly young age. Her curriculum included both dance and music, which she continued to pursue over the years. At the tender age of 10, Kaylee's family moved to Canada, a place she has been proud to call her home ever since. As Kaylee grew older her attention went from the Arts to Marketing and Advertising. These skills could certainly prove helpful in her new career. While visiting some friends in Vancouver last summer, Kaylee caught a photographer's attention and was asked to shoot for a bike calendar. She had so much fun, that she decided to seriously pursue modeling as a career. Working hard on building her portfolio and make all of the right contacts, Kaylee had to focus on marketing herself to all the right people. Kaylee has started to see her share of attention recently. Kaylee was the 2nd Runner Up in the regional finals for the Maxim / Coors Light Club Tour. She has graced the pages of the Sun as a Sunshine Girl on more than one occasion now, and thanks partly to the loyalty and support of her fans. Kaylee recently became Miss December at and will be going to Glamourcon in 2003 to prove to everyone that "Canadian Girls Kick Ass". With that in mind, correspondent John Jinks has been granted the privilege to get a little insight on what makes Ms. Tanner tick. -- JJ: Congratulations on all of the exciting developments over the past month. Has all of this attention caught you by surprise at all? KT: Thank you. To be honest, yes, it has be a surprise; a really pleasant one. I was kind of worried about entering a contest on the internet and exposing myself to such a large audience so soon. But the overall response had been really great (Especially coming from your website LOL) JJ: You certainly seem to have the golden touch as of late. I know you have wanted to be featured in magazines such as Maxim and Mystique. And I do recall hearing something about you appearing in an upcoming issue of Maxim. What can you tell us about what we can expect to see? KT: Yes, my dream is to be published in many magazines, bikini, lingerie and car oriented! Maxim is my all-time favorite. I entered a contest way back and I just recently heard back from the assistant editor that my pictures will be appearing in the January 2003 issue of Maxim. I'm hoping it will help my exposure and maybe if someone likes my pictures enough they'll write to Maxim asking for more! I'm also competing in the Mystique Model Safari Contest. Here, it's all up to the people who vote. The contest is done entirely online. Doing this magazine would be a new thrill for me, because I haven't done much in terms of nude modeling. If you'd like to help me appear in Mystique please vote for me JJ: When considering a modeling career, one must always try to look ones best. Have you always been in such great shape, and how hard do you train to keep yourself in tip-top condition? KT: Wow, you're just full of compliments. Thank you! Actually, to me it's just day-to-day common sense living. I read a lot of Health Magazines and find out what other people do to keep in shape and try to follow the same routine. I don't smoke and don't drink excessively. I'm not a very good driver, so I usually end up walking a lot. LOL. I think it's important to try and stay healthy whether you're modeling or not, but there is really no use getting too obsessed about it, you'll always end up having a bad day once in a while! Your body is always changing, it's best to just learn to listen to what it needs and do everything in moderation. JJ: What kind of impact has your modeling career had on your day-to-day life? How much different would you say your life is now, compared to two or three years ago? KT: I spend a lot more time on the computer now! haha No, seriously, it hasn't really changed that drastically yet. I do a lot more traveling and that's the part I love the most, and I've had some people come up and say "Hey, I've seen you in the Toronto Sun!" But I still feel like I'm at the very beginning of my career and hopefully there's lots more to come! JJ: Anyone who is reading this has obviously seen how beautiful you look in a bikini, or has admired how sexy you look in lingerie. However, I don't suspect you wander around town like that. So, how do present yourself on a regular day? KT: Well, maybe not around town, but I do like to lounge around the house that way, I think I have a total lingerie fetish! When I leave the house, it's a different story, because I live in a small town, so I have to be more conservative. It's also very cold in the winter in Northern Ontario. I like to dress classy but warm and NO, we do not dress like Eskimos up here. Well, only when it's -40C. JJ: Considering you background in music, what types of music do you tend to listen to? KT: Oh, I love all kinds of music, depending on what mood I'm in. I tend to listen to a lot of hip-hop and I actually do like Eminem (he's just misunderstood, really LOL). I also like a lot of house and dance music and techno, but I haven't heard anything really good since DJ Bad Boy Bill and DJ Tiesto. For classical, I like the relaxing sounds of a piano and Chopin is my favorite composer. JJ: I'll probably get a lot of flack for asking you this, but curiosity gets the best of me. With Christmas just around the corner, are you more likely to appear on Santa's Nice List or his Naughty List? And why? KT: Most likely on the Naughty List, although I was trying very hard this year. Really Santa, not another lump of coal this Christmas!!!! Oh boy, I don't even know where to start. I love playing practical jokes like "Hide the neighbour's cat in my house" and "decorate their lawn with toilet paper for Halloween". In the words of a certain Pop-Princess "I'm NOT that innocent!" There are lots of hmmm "games" I like to play. |
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Published on: 2004-08-05 (28660 reads)