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Candy's Interview

If you believe enough in yourself, you can go places. If you don't believe that, ask Candy. A few years ago; Candy, who had considered herself a bit overweight at the time, decided to take matters into her own hands and do something about it. Thanks in part to her positive outlook and self-motivation, Candy started to exercise and watch what she ate. The blonde blue-eyed beauty now carries a slim and sexy 120 lbs. on 5'6" frame, and has never looked back!

About two years ago things got especially interesting for the BC native when she got a computer. After seeing an ad on a website from someone looking for girls to start a bikini team, CandyÂ’s interest was piqued. After sending some Polaroids to the guy in Ontario, he then forwarded them to some photographers back in BC, and the rest was history. A model was born. Living in such a rural area of BC, Candy gives thanks the internet for helping her career. Initially, she had a photographer help setup an online portfolio for her. After getting more comfortable with the computer, it was only a matter of time until Candy started to build her own site.

Candy's career in modeling has grown in leaps and bounds. She has appeared on calendars, posters and numerous websites including Her loyal and growing fanbase has helped her along the way as she has won numerous online modeling contests and has had the opportunity to travel the world. Most recently Candy won the title of Miss November 2002 from the Models Homepage, and earned that title by a rather large margin. Considering her big heart and her stunning beauty, there is no wonder why she's gotten as far as she has. In fact, at this rate, Candy's dream to become one of the worlds best known swimsuit models may very well come true.

So, on that note, correspondent John Jinks, had the privilege to find out a little bit more about the lovely Candy.


JJ: First off, I'd like to say congratulation on your recent accomplishments. As you have won numerous contests in the past, was winning this last contest that much different? How does the excitement of winning carry over into your day?

C: Winning this last contest was much better than any other contest I have won. Usually you just win money, but this one I got a trip to Vegas for a 5-7 day photo shoot! I am so excited!!

JJ: There is a lot to be said about the right attitude, and you have certainly mastered that otherwise you would not be where you are today. And that has obviously made an impact on others. How do you feel when someone refers to you as "their personal hero" or essentially a good role-model?

C: It feels really good! Especially since growing up for me was so different than life is today. It's hard to get used to, but I love it!

JJ: Do you have any goals or aspirations right now, outside of modeling?

C: To be honest with My whole life is focused on modeling right now.

JJ: Being online, have you ever received any requests from a fan that just made you shake your head in wonder? If so, are there any details you would be willing to share?

C: Oh man....I have had so many weird requests. I would have to say the weirdest one was when I was offered 10,000 to wear a pair of big high-heeled boots and stomp on someoneÂ’s hand until it was broken!

JJ: Let me paint a picture for you. You are at the beach with your dream guy. He is hand-feeding you lobster and crab with garlic butter. Now, are you drinking a cold crisp beer, or a fine wine of some sort? Domestic or imported?

C: I would definitely be drinking a MGD!! Miller Genuine Draft! I know, I know...I'm supposed to say "Molson Canadian", but I really don't care for it! LOL.

JJ: Now, I have noticed the tattoo you have on your right ankle. And although I have made numerous attempts, I still can't quite make it out. Firstly, what is it? And does it hold any special significance?

C: Oh god, you had to ask me about that! It's a tazmanian devil. He is holding a mug of beer and his eyes are blood shot. LOL. I hate it!!! I got it done when I was 19. Young and stupid. I am going to get it removed one day. Next tattoo will be where no one else can see it! And something a little more conservative! LOL.

JJ: As the holidays are approaching, and I'm certain that there is a someone out there who would be more than willing to buy you whatever you want, what will you be asking Santa for this year?

C: The only thing I want from Santa this year is a huge box of success!! (and some sexy new clothes would be nice LOL)

JJ: If you were trapped on a deserted island with that special someone, and could only have one outfit. What would it be, and why?

C: My bikini! I love bikinis!

JJ: What would you consider your best physical attribute?

C: I have the most compliments on my eyes. I would have to agree with that.

JJ: What plans do you have for the immediate future?

C: Well...after winning the Models Homepage contest...I will be flying to Vegas! I am also going to Vancouver for New Years to watch a Canucks game!! Then I am off to Mexico in March!!

JJ: Thank you Candy for letting us have this chance to get to know you a bit better. And if anyone wants to find out more about Candy, you can visit her website at

Images used by permission of copyright ©2002.

Published on: 2004-08-05 (22167 reads)

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