30,000-10,000 B.C.-
Natives immigrated to N.A.
10,000B.C.- Natives spread over Canada's 4,000,000
square miles
500 - Natives have developed extensive
social and economic trade links
986- Herjolfsson
sights Labrador
992- Leif Ericsson
explores Newfoundland
1003- Karsefni started
a colony to trade with "skraelings"
1492- Colombus rediscovers
1497- Cabot sights
1534- Cartier discovers
St. Lawrence
1603- Champlain
explores the Great Lakes
1632- Champlain
appointed first governor of Canada
1644- Wheat first
sown in Canada
1649- Final defeat
of Hurons by the Iroquios
1697- Treaty of
Ryswick(N.A. given to French)
1713- Treaty of
Utrecht(N.A. given to English)
1743- La Verendrye
brothers find the Rockies
1748- Treaty of
Aix-la-Chappelle(French gain back territory)
1755- Expulsion
of the Acadians
1758- Fall of Louisbourg(The
French Superfortress)
1759- Battle of
Plains of Abraham
1760- Fall of Montreal
1763- Treaty of
Paris(Canada given to England)
1763- Royal Proclamation
1774- Quebec Act
1783- Influx of
Loyalists to Canada
1791- Constitution
Act(Upper and Lower Canada)
1812- War between
Canada and U.S.
1821- Hudson Bay
and Northwest Company join
1838- Rebellions
start in Upper and Lower Canada
1839- Durham Report
1841- Act of Union(Canada
East and West)
1858- Ottawa chosen
as capital
1867- Confederation
1870- Manitoba joins
1871- Washington
Treaty(Canada-U.S. relations)
1871- B.C. joins
1873- P.E.I. joins
1873- Formation of the North West Mounted Police
1885- Riel Rebellion
1885- C.P.R. completed at Craigellachie
1890- Manitoba Schools
1897- Imperial Preference
1897- Colonial Conference(To
strengthen the Empire)
1898- Alaskan Boundary
Dispute(U.S. given Alaskan Panhandle)
1899- Start of Boer
War(Canada offers transport for troops)
1905- Alberta and
Saskatchewan join Canada
1910- Naval Issue(Laurier
builds a Canadian Navy)
1914- Start of WWI.(Canada
automatically at war)
1915- Battle of Ypres
1917- Battle of Vimy Ridge
1917- Conscription
1917- Suffragette
1918- War is over(Treaty
of Paris)
1919- Winnipeg General
1920- Canada joins
League of Nations
1922- Chanak Affair
1930's- Great Depression
1933- Creation of the C.C.F.
1939- Start of WWII.
1942- Dieppe
1945- War ends
1945- Canada joins
1947- Supreme court
1949- Newfoundland joins Canada
1949- Canada joins
1950- Start of Korean
1959- St. Lawrence
Seaway opened
1960- Native Canadians given the right to vote
1965- Maple Leaf becomes Canada's flag
1968- Integration of the Armed Forces
1970- F.L.Q.
1976- Olympic Games
in Montreal
1982- Patriation
of the Constitution
1987- Meech Lake Accord
1988- Winter
Olympics in Calgary
1992- Charlottetown Accord
1993- Canadian Relief
Effort in Somalia
1995- Quebec Referendum
1999- Canadian Forces in Kosavo
Published on: 2004-08-05 (19732 reads)