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Patriotic Canadian Songs

Ode to Newfoundland

The words of "The Ode to Newfoundland" were written by His Excellency Sir Cavendish Boyle, K.C.M.G., who was Governor of Newfoundland from 1901 to 1904. On November 8, 1902, the Ode was set to music composed by Professor E.R. Krippner and was officially adopted as the Newfoundland anthem. On May 20, 1904, the present musical setting, which was composed by Sir Hubert Parry, Bart, was officially substituted for the Krippner setting. On August 17, 1979, Royal Assent was given to legislation adopting the Ode to Newfoundland as the official provincial anthem of the province of Newfoundland.

When sun rays crown thy pine clad hills,
And summer spreads her hand,
When silvern voices tune thy rills,
We love thee, smiling land.

We love thee, we love thee,
We love thee, smiling land.

As loved our fathers, so we love,
Where once they stood, we stand;
Their prayer we raise to Heaven above,
God guard thee, Newfoundland

God guard thee, God guard thee,
God guard thee, Newfoundland

Maple Leaf Forever

This song had great popularity in English Canada from its composition in 1867, partly because it was authorized for use in schools in many provinces. Because of the emphasis on the British connection it never gained much popularity in French Canada. However in a Book of Knowledge current in the 1920's it is listed and garlanded as "Canada's national anthem".

Words and music are by Alexander Muir (1830-1906) who came to Canada as a child and was educated at Queen's University. He taught school in Toronto for many years.

In 1867 the maple leaf first appeared in the coat of arms of both Ontario and Quebec and the song quickly became popular.

Muir also wrote another maple leaf song, "Canada, Land of the Maple Tree".

...We're Britons born and Britons still
And Britons aye shall be.
The Union Jack the flag we love
Shall guard our maple tree.

The Government of Canada has no rights on the words nor the music of this patriotic song. The agency that has the rights is:

Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency
111 Avenue Road, suite 302
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 3J8
Tel: (416)926-1966

Island Hymn (Patriotic hymn of Prince Edward Island)

Miss L.M. Montgomery, Lawrence W. Watson, Isula Beata

Fair Island of the sea, We raise our song to thee,
The bright and blest;
Loyally now we stand
As brothers, hand in hand,
and sing God save the land
We love the best.
Upon our princely Isle May kindest fortune smile
In coming years,
Peace and prosperity
In all her borders be,
From every evil free,
And weakling fears.
Prince Edward Isle, to thee
Our hearts shall faithful be
Where'er we dwell;
Forever may we stand
As brothers, hand in hand,
And sing God save the land
We love so well.

Canada: This is My Home / On est chez nous

List of regional songs

A number of local and regional songs have come and gone, though some have more staying power than others.

  • "Toronto, the Pride of the North"
  • "On the old Ontario strand, my boys"
  • The Nova Scotia Song
  • The Banks of Newfoundland
  • Ye maidens of Ontario
  • Citadel Hill
  • The Alberta homesteader
  • A ballad of New Scotland
  • The poor little girls of Ontario
  • Saskatchewan girl's lament
  • The Cobalt song
  • Saskatchewan
  • Canadee-I-O
  • The Maid from Algoma -
  • Ode to Labrador

Since 1967 we have had the very popular Centennial song "Ca-na-da", written by Bobby Gimby and the Ontario song of the same year - "A place to stand", written by Dolores Claman. The frequently sung "This land is your land", is an adaptation of an American song of similar patriotic fervour, but a song just as popular, "Something to sing about", is Canadian by context and composition.

Published on: 2008-02-23 (15745 reads)

submitted by: Canadaka

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