The National Unemployment Clock, which offers a real-time count of job loss in Canada, is mounted on a truck and will make its first official appearance at the TELUS AGM and then wind its way from Ottawa to Vancouver. The National Unemployment Clock will stop in cities and towns along the way where street teams will hand out information brochures, buttons and bumper stickers, and ask citizens to sign a petition which will be forwarded to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Labour Rona Ambrose.
“We are very concerned about large corporations, such as TELUS, who continue to eliminate jobs in Canada and move them to the Philippines and other overseas locations,” said John Carpenter, TWU National Vice President. “The offshoring of jobs is a concern for many Canadians. Unemployment is at a seven-year high and yet big, profitable corporations are still taking jobs away from Canadians. Enough is enough. The message on the National Unemployment Clock truck says it all: If You’re Proud To Be Canadian, Shouldn’t You Be Proud To Hire Canadian?”
The campaign’s website,, features an online petition, ways to get involved, contact information for local Members of Parliament, statistics and facts on unemployment in Canada, the ongoing issue of allowing large corporations to offshore jobs, the campaign travel schedule, as well as an interactive “Track the Truck” map following the road show – using GPS technology.
About the TWU
The TWU has a long and proud history of representing communications workers and workers in related fields. We strive to negotiate collective agreements that promote fair wages as well as just and equitable treatment for all. At the TWU, we believe that member participation and input is essential to the successful operation of the organization.
The TWU has more than 65 years of experience in dealing with employers and providing services to its members, protecting and improving their wages, benefits and working conditions. We invite member participation at every level of our organization through a democratic process that encourages two-way communication between members and elected officers. The TWU has built a reputation for guarding the principles which maintain the integrity of the labour movement and which encourage commitment and activism. Please visit our website atÂ