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It's Mammogram Time!

Posted on Sunday, December 10 at 14:22 by Subsandwich

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It's Mammogram time!

I’m still breathing folks.  I survived my first mammogram! 

Let me tell you, anytime I heard the word – Mammogram – I’d react with an I’m out of here! Or better yet, get me out of here!  I couldn’t get away from the idea of a mammogram fast enough.  

The first time my doctor suggested me getting one, I was nearly sick to my stomach – first, with fear, then embarrassment and finally, a too-doo-loo Twilight Zone score in the background.  He said I should get one done yearly at my age.  This ain’t suppose to happen to me!

 This comes from a woman who gets her annual physical, but one who’s shy about undressing in front of strangers. You’d think after having children I’d have overcome that one.  This is supposed to get easier with age. 

 Take it from me, I survived my first mammogram and I am still around to talk about it, only nobody wants to talk about this topic unless they’ve had one done; it’s head for the hills on that subject.  Let me assure you, I experienced no torture chamber machinery and I didn’t have to undress in front of anybody except the person who did the mammogram.  Best of all, it didn’t hurt. 

 For women who are about to move toward getting a first mammogram, I will encourage you to go without fear because it’s no big deal.  Go because getting one is important for your health.  Once there, I survived my shyness and I know you will, too.

This is what I was asked to do.  Are you ready for this! Too-doo-loo!

The first thing I did was remove my top clothing in a bathroom.  Even the décor in the waiting area and bathroom was created to make me feel comfortable.  I was asked to wash my chest area including my underarms so that the image would take successfully.  The assistant gave me a hospital gown.   Believe me, I looked swell in puke green.  (The nice thing to know is that no one is competing on looks in this environment).

Not more than a few minutes later, I was called into the mammogram room.  No fancy tech terms here to scare away.  Plain and simple English with plain and simple instructions.  Mammograms should be described in simple terms because the procedure itself is simple, at least for the one getting it done. 

The technician, a female in my case, was extremely friendly and invited me to remove my top gown and advance to the image scanner.  She placed my one breast on the tray (at least that’s what I call it) and the technician aligned my body in the right position for the scanner. 

Now this part is what may make you scared, but it’s no big deal.  She lowers an upper tray so that it sits atop your breast applying pressure so that she can take a successful picture.  Hold your breath, snap, and the image is taken. The technician does this on both sides. 

Then she positions your body a little differently so that she can take an almost side view of your breast area.  A little more pressure due to the position you are standing in.  But no big deal.  I felt no pain. 

In a matter of ten minutes, I was finished.  That’s it, I thought. All I had to do next was wait for her to tell me the picture took successfully.  Then I was free to go.  I’m out of here!

Medical terms scared me more than anything.  Mammogram was the big boogieman term that sent shivers down my spine.  Mammogram is just a word. 


By Suzanne Berton ©


  1. Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:35 pm
    How does one become a mammography technician? ;)

  2. by avatar Brenda
    Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:09 pm
    I've never been scared to have a mammogram done. It is part of being a women :wink: It is just as important as having a smear done.

    I like the way you Canadians think about that: having it done every year. I guess it is covered by health care insurance? Even if it's not, I would have it done, no matter what. I have it done here too, and I have to pay for my mammogram myself. The smear is covered.

    Anyway: good story, although everytime I have it done, it hurts. A little :wink:

  3. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:15 pm
    "Brenda" said
    I've never been scared to have a mammogram done. It is part of being a women :wink: It is just as important as having a smear done.

    I like the way you Canadians think about that: having it done every year. I guess it is covered by health care insurance? Even if it's not, I would have it done, no matter what. I have it done here too, and I have to pay for my mammogram myself. The smear is covered.

    Anyway: good story, although everytime I have it done, it hurts. A little :wink:

    FatBasturd is considering having one too.... ROTFL

  4. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:16 pm
    "Brenda" said
    I've never been scared to have a mammogram done. It is part of being a women :wink: It is just as important as having a smear done.

    I like the way you Canadians think about that: having it done every year. I guess it is covered by health care insurance? Even if it's not, I would have it done, no matter what. I have it done here too, and I have to pay for my mammogram myself. The smear is covered.

    Anyway: good story, although everytime I have it done, it hurts. A little :wink:
    It's suspossed to hurt they are squishing your boob.

  5. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:17 pm
    "-Mario-" said
    I've never been scared to have a mammogram done. It is part of being a women :wink: It is just as important as having a smear done.

    I like the way you Canadians think about that: having it done every year. I guess it is covered by health care insurance? Even if it's not, I would have it done, no matter what. I have it done here too, and I have to pay for my mammogram myself. The smear is covered.

    Anyway: good story, although everytime I have it done, it hurts. A little :wink:

    FatBasturd is considering having one too.... ROTFLYou are gonig to be so owned :wink:

  6. by avatar Brenda
    Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:22 pm
    You know that every 2 % breastcancer patients are male, don't you? ;-)

    And yeah, they are really crush them... Ouch. A little. We girls are soooo tough :lol:

  7. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:28 pm
    What age do you have to get those done? and does it cause breast sagging?

  8. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:29 pm
    I thought seeing a gynecologist would be more awkward than getting a mammogram?

  9. by avatar Brenda
    Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:34 pm
    Definitely, Clog! But that's also is part of being a woman...

    I took my first when I was 28, Tattoodgirl. It does not cause sagging. They are crushed for about 10 seconds, and then they pop right back the way they were ;-)

    I got my first smear 10 years earlier, because of pains they couldn't figure out... And I'm glad I had them done regularly, otherwise I would not be here...

  10. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:36 pm
    Just wait untill the doc puts a rubber glove on and sticks his finger up your ass and begins to roam around in there a bit'TALK ABOUT AWKWARD"

  11. by avatar Brenda
    Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:37 pm
    Oh common, don't be a pussy! :twisted:

  12. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:38 pm
    :D 8O :wink:

  13. by avatar kitty
    Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:38 pm
    "WDHIII" said

    now that's funny :lol:

  14. Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:40 pm

    Just wait untill the doc puts a rubber glove on and sticks his finger up your ass and begins to roam around in there a bit'TALK ABOUT AWKWARD"

    That is why I eat lots of tomatoes. :)

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