To: Canadian Independent MusiciansFrom: Gregg Terrence, President, Indie PoolWe are pleased to announce that there are greater opportunities coming toCanada's airwaves for independent musicians, but we need your help to make ithappen. Considering the dismal amount of traditional commercial radio airplayindependent music is currently receiving, we believe you will benefit from theincreased exposure created by satellite radio. The more competition on theairwaves, the better it is for you. This is why we are supporting CanadianSatellite Radio's application for a broadcast license with the CRTC.Based on current US satellite programming, independent music is far more playedand supported when compared to commercial radio. Canadian Satellite Radio'svision is strongly committed to real diversity; they are dedicated to being thevoice of Canada's unheard music and will showcase an unprecedented amount of newmusic. We're happy to say that Canadian Satellite Radio (CSR) has included independentmusic funding in its CRTC application. After some lengthy discussions betweenIndie Pool and CSR, a figure of $420,000 has been agreed upon. On top of thetraditional funding to FACTOR, CARAS and others usually tied to these sorts ofapplications, CSR has gone further and offered to support and fund independentmusic directly. Indie Pool will be managing the digitization and developmentprogram for CSR. We're asking you to sign on to a very important online petition supporting CSR'sapplication. We wouldn't ask if we didn't think it was important. The CRTCneeds to hear that we NEED MORE RADIO for independents. To make sure your voice is heard, please click below: Please forward the above link to as many supporters as you can, including yourfans. Sincerely,Gregg TerrencePresidentIndie Pool