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Posted on Tuesday, May 06 at 06:48 by canadaka

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I thought id make a post about the site. I havn't had much time the last couple months to add new content too the site, school is demanding. But my term is ending, i am taking summer semester but for the first while it will be slow, so i hope to get some work done on the site. So watch out for new content soon. Also if anyone wants to help out with adding more content please! contact me.

Hopefully i wil also get the Canada Kicks Ass T-Shirts going in June, i will soon have a preorder set up, watch out for that too!

For now i have a couple smal updates, i added a HANGMAN! game! i will change the phrase every week i guess, you can record your time. I also changed the Downloads Section a bit. Will soon have images for the categories and such.

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