Some Winnipeg Blue Bombers fans say they are furious with how the team is implementing a new security policy, in which snacks and drinks are being confiscated at home games.
Unless there's been a huge problem with rowdy fans lately this is just a money grab. Making someone dump out their water so they can refill it in the shitter is lame.
Been to every pro sport league in North America except NBA, never seen anwhere that allows you to bring in outside food/drink. Kind of surprised that they were allowing people to do it still
People are shocked that the team and owners would rather have you pay inflated prices for concession. As others have stated, every other team in every other sport does exactly this. Winnipeg you had it easy but now it's time for you tightwads to take a crowbar to your wallets and pony up for a pop for junior.
...and they don't allow ANY noisemakers.
No different than the movies...
...and they don't allow ANY noisemakers.
What do you call those dwarfs sitting behind me in the theatre whining and kicking the back of my chair?
I need another hint.
I tried pepper spray but for whatever reason, it only makes them louder and MORE agitated. Un taser works pretty good, though.
Hmmmmmmm....never thought of that. Thanks!!