Two Toronto teens who launched a Lego man into space were rewarded with some awe-inspiring video, but experts say anyone trying to replicate the feat should be aware of air safety.
I definitely would not want to suck Mr legoman into the jet engine of any plane I was on even though the plane could still manage to fly with a malfunctioning engine!
"Hyack" said I definitely would not want to suck Mr legoman into the jet engine of any plane I was on even though the plane could still manage to fly with a malfunctioning engine!
Anyways, it's a really neat video, and I'm amazed the lego man and flag managed to stay on the "capsule."
I definitely would not want to suck Mr legoman into the jet engine of any plane I was on even though the plane could still manage to fly with a malfunctioning engine!
I'd be worried about the Ipad that went up...