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Concerts Videos   Canadian Music

concert footage of Canadian artists

Bryan Adams - 18 Till I Die

added: Wed Sep 2006 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3093 | Comments: 0

Chilliwack at the Mem Cup '07

Some dude jumps on stage and does his thing... it might be Twister. LOL

added: Mon May 2007 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2665 | Comments: 0

Cuff The Duke - If I Live Or If I DIe

added: Fri Feb 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2476 | Comments: 0

Live 8 CANADA Neil Young

added: Wed Sep 2006 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2897 | Comments: 0

Max Webster--- Battlescar

I remeber being there in Kee to Bala and seeing this man.

added: Sat Mar 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3029 | Comments: 0

Max Webster--- Hangover

I remeber years ago,taking a couple of my friends from Toronto and picking up my sister and her friend and going in my 1975 Chrylser Imperial Labaron to Peterborough Are

added: Sat Mar 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2679 | Comments: 0

Our Lady Peace

added: Tue Jul 2012 | Views: 1940 | Comments: 0

Our Lady Peace

added: Tue Jul 2012 | Views: 1978 | Comments: 0
