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Bret 'The Hirman' Hart Biography

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Bret 'The Hirman' Hart

Birthdate:   July 2, 1957
Website: http://www.brethart.com
Category: Sports

As a kid, Bret Hart never dreamed of becoming a wrestling legend. It's a fact hidden in relative secrecy, if only because he's become one of the biggest names in the sport. Instead, he wanted to make movies. He even went so far as to enroll at Mount Royal College to study broadcasting for a year. As fate would have it, Bret Hart eventually found himself in the ring. His first step came by way of the Stampede circuit, where he mingled with other aspiring wrestlers. Hart's dynamic performance in the ring helped establish his name in the pro wrestling circles. During the 80s at Maple Leaf Gardens, Hart would compete against newcomers and stars that had past their prime. It wasn't long before he took the nickname "Hitman" after Sugar Ray Leonard beat Thomas Hearns in a boxing match. He soon donned sunglasses and slicked his hair. The new persona stuck with him for years. He created a tag team called the Hart Foundation with Jimmy "The Mouth of the South" Hart and his brother-in-law Jim Neidhart. The trio snuffed the competition and quickly became the WWF tag team to beat. In the early 90s, Hart decided to focus on his singles career and won two Intercontinental titles. Not impressed? He then went on to win the WWF World Title. He then won the WWF World Title again. And again. Hart currently possess no less than 5 WWF World Titles. Share on Facebook

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