Canada Kicks Ass

Earthquake Chalk River Nuclear Reactor
Date: Thursday, January 17 2008
Topic: Environment

The Chalk River nuclear reactor, started up against the advice of the Nuclear Safety Commission, sits on an active earthquake fault line. The Conservative government has foolishly brushed aside the two nearby earthquakes that occurred since they restarted it.

We should be in the streets shouting with clenched fist to get the government to move the reactor away from Chalk River. It sits in a active earthquake zone. On Dec. 20, 2007, a 3.0-magnitude tremor, centred 13 kilometres east of Pembroke, was felt. Two days later, a 3.6-magnitude quake struck 22 kilometres northeast of Deep River. McGee, vice-president of AECL, also reassured the CNSC that the upgraded pumps at the reactor can withstand tremors of up to a magnitude of 6 on the Richter scale. "A magnitude of 6!" The area has had a magnitude of 6.2 already! The following is from the US Geological Survey: Timiskaming, Quebec, Canada 1935 November 1 UTC Magnitude 6.2 Heavy damage occurred in the Timiskaming area, Canada. In the United States, chimneys and plaster sustained minor damage at Cortland, New York, about 50 kilometers south of Syracuse. Felt in eastern Maine, south to Washington, D.C., and west to Wisconsin, including 17 States and three Canadian Provinces. Timiskaming is "just north" of Chalk River. To make the situation more dangerous, now, at this moment, earthquakes are increasing in frequency and magnitude, this is related directly to the meltdown of the polar caps. The southern continent, Antartica, contains enough ice to raise ocean levels by about 60 metres, a deluge that would put every major coastal city in the world deep under water and uproot hundreds of millions of people. Also, most alarming of all, with the melting of the poles and the redistribution of water, the earth's crust is absorbing the weight and cracking under the load. Up to 2001, the number of "significant earthquakes" was 5 per year; since then it averages over 50 per year! See:

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