Report: El Al missile threat real
Date: Monday, October 27 2003 Topic: Canadian Politics
The missile threat that diverted an El Al flight from Toronto to Montreal Thursday was gaining weight Sunday as Canadian police traced the origins and destination of a German-made rocket launcher.
The Calgary Sun reported that the equipment found among 14 caches of weapons entered Canada at a postal plant between April 2001 and March 2003.
The rocket shoulder launcher can be outfitted with heat-seeking missiles, and officials have said that a heat-seeking missile was to be used in the attack.
The RCMP, Peel police and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents are trying to trace the locally based threatening call, but are unsure if it was made from a pay or cellphone.
Last week's attack threat come three moths after a Croatian man made a bomb threat near an El Al ticket counter, and one month after a St. Catharines, Ont., man was charged for phoning in a bomb threat to Pearson.